News digest: Agri-food Systems and Sustainability
- 28/10/2022
- Posted by: Gaetan Dermien
- Category: ACP EN, News
No CommentsClimate Caribbean IICA-IFAD report highlights significant contributions of family farmers in Latin America and the Caribbean and pending challenges regarding action against climate change Family farming is highly vulnerable to climate change-related extreme weather events, a vulnerability that is exacerbated by a lack of funding, the deterioration of soil health and high production costs. However, in Latin America and the Caribbean, this sector is making important contributions to resilience, adaptation and mitigation, which often go unnoticed. These are the conclusions… +Madagascar: Support for the implementation of technical workflows for organic banana and passion fruit production
- 21/09/2022
- Posted by: Sandra Borma
- Category: Madagascar, News
HavaMad, a Madagascan fruit processing company producing certified organic fruit juices and purees, has recently received technical support from the Fit For Market SPS programme, in the form of input from experts from both Reunion and the Tamatave Horticultural Technical Centre, Madagascar. The company wished to revise its workflow to produce passion fruit and also diversify into banana production. HavaMad also wished to continue the support initiated in February 2020 concerning the production of the passion fruit variety Galea. For… +Sierra Leone: Assessment and training for horticultural processing companies
- 30/07/2022
- Posted by: Sandra Borma
- Category: Sierra Leone
The Fit For Market SPS programme, organised training on hygiene and food safety principles including Hazard Analysis and Critical Control Point (HACCP) methodology for horticultural companies producing both fresh and processed goods in Sierra Leone. The objective was to support six processing companies to master the HACCP approach in their production units, and in parallel, build the capacity of local consultants to conduct assessments on food safety management systems. The training was carried out in three phases: an initial quick… +News Digest: Agri-food Markets, Production and Trade
- 13/07/2022
- Posted by: Gaetan Dermien
- Category: ACP EN, News
Production Africa Short Ivorian mango season follows long Peruvian one Henk van der Meij of Hars&Hagebauer reports on mango trade that “the Peruvian season’s tail end was unexpectedly long, due partly to shipping delays. So the first part of the African season (Côte d’Ivoire) coincided with the last part of the Peruvian season. That’s usually not ideal, but the promotions are keeping the mango sales momentum going. Eventually, the market will also have to start paying the price needed for… +EC “Mirror Clauses” report reiterates importance of WTO rules and support for developing countries
- 13/07/2022
- Posted by: Sandra Borma
- Category: ACP EN, News
On 3 June 2022 the European Commission published its report on the application of EU health and environmental standards to imported agricultural products. The debate on how EU rules can ensure that imported produce matches EU standards – described as “mirror clauses” – has been a hot topic during France’s presidency of the Council. Several Member States are pressing the Commission to ensure that as the EU strives for higher standards, third countries must be obliged to apply the same… +Sandra, Noël and Rachel – three innovative and inspiring entrepreneurs from Africa and the Caribbean, honoured during EDDs 2022
- 13/07/2022
- Posted by: Gaetan Dermien
- Category: Africa, Caribbean, News
On 22 June, during the European Development Days in Brussels, three young entrepreneurs from Africa and the Caribbean had the opportunity to present their business model promoting sustainability, links with research, development and adoption of technologies, and the use of digital tools in a Lab Debate organised by COLEACP and its partners. The European Union (EU)’s premier forum for international partnerships took place physically in Brussels and online on 21-22 June. It focused on the implementation of the EU’s Global… +Agro-ecological transition support project/DEFIA: data collection from producers with the FAO TAPE tool
- 07/07/2022
- Posted by: Sandra Borma
- Category: Benin, News
In the framework of the implementation of the project “Support to the agro-ecological transition of the pineapple sector in Benin» and following the training of the interviewers on the FAO TAPE tool, the data collection phase with a sample of 300 pineapple producers who are members of DEFIA’s partner groups took place between 2 and 30 June 2022. As a reminder, this activity was organised with the aim of identifying current practices and development potential in terms of agro-ecological practices… +STDF Cameroon: Fifth training session on Penja Pepper for Bouba basin producers
- 30/06/2022
- Posted by: Sandra Borma
- Category: Africa, Cameroon, News
The fifth training session on good production practices for Penja pepper was held on 9 and 10 June 2022, with the objective to develop skills and technical capacities of 27 producers and managers of Penja pepper. The participants were mostly English-speaking, from the Bouba production basin in south-west Cameroon. The training was supported by STDF and implemented through the COLEACP project “Strengthening the phytosanitary monitoring and certification system for Cameroon’s fruit and vegetable sector” (STDF Cameroon). The course has enabled… +STDF Togo: Meeting of the steering committee (June 2022)
- 30/06/2022
- Posted by: Sandra Borma
- Category: News
A meeting of the Steering Committee of the “Project to strengthen the phytosanitary control and certification system for the fruit and vegetable sector in Togo (STDF/PG/375)” was held from 29 to 30 June 2022 in Lomé, Togo. The STDF project consists of strengthening the framework and capacities of the services involved in inspection and control, as well as private operators active in the production and export of fruit and vegetables. It should allow better access to markets for fruit and… +Senegal: Training on market requirements for ANCAR supervisors
- 22/06/2022
- Posted by: Sandra Borma
- Category: Africa, News, Senegal
A training course was organised in Thiès, Senegal, from 8 to 10 June 2022, for ANCAR extension service supervisors, as part of the Fit For Market SPS programme. The training, which brought together 25 participants, addressed the demands of the local, regional and export markets and their differences, the respective requirements of each of these markets (regulatory, commercial, etc.), the non-tariff barriers, the steps to reach the desired market, and the technical and financial implications for both the producer and… +