Review of EU and GB MRL changes in 2022
- 22/05/2023
- Posted by: Gaetan Dermien
- Category: Corp EN, Country, News
No CommentsKey points This news update is a review of changes that were made in 2022.European Union (EU) maximum residue levels (MRLs) were changed for 75 plant protection products (PPPs) in 2022, compared with 123 in 2021. These changes include cases where MRLs for certain foods have been raised or lowered.In Great Britain (GB) maximum residue level (MRL) changes concerned 23 plant protection products (PPPs), of which 13 are considered key for ACP horticulture. Note that EU MRLs still apply in… +Get inspired by entrepreneurs!
- 22/05/2023
- Posted by: Sandra Borma
- Category: ACP EN, Corp EN, News
BIOFACH 2023 was an exciting occasion for COLEAD to learn more about the journeys and success stories of African entrepreneurs in the organic farming sector. We had the opportunity to meet inspirational men and women who are turning their ideas into reality and developing their businesses. Here are some inspiring thoughts from the entrepreneurs we met. Get inspired! Read on as they share some of their thoughts and get inspired by them! Wherever you are, get started!! Opportunities can be… +ACP together in Rome to meet the challenges of plant health
- 22/05/2023
- Posted by: Sandra Borma
- Category: ACP EN, Corp EN, News
The Commission on Phytosanitary Measures (CPM) held its 17th face-to-face session from 27–31 March 2023 at the FAO Headquarters in Rome. The event was attended by approximately 400 participants from national and regional plant protection organisations, as well as other partner organisations of the International Plant Protection Convention (IPPC), including COLEAD. Complimentary to the CPM-17 event, COLEAD organised two events (in French and English) to provide an overview of recent changes in the European plant health regulations. The testimonials of… +Benin: training in sustainable soil management
- 22/05/2023
- Posted by: Sandra Borma
- Category: Benin, Corp EN, News
COLEAD organised a collective training course on ‘Sustainable soil management’ for the partner clusters of the DEFIA programme within the framework of the Support for the agro-ecological transition of the pineapple sector in Benin project. The training brought together a dozen participants from seven organisations, all of whom were farm managers, company executives or technicians responsible for supervising producers. The participants received training on: Assessment of soil properties and determination of key elements of soil fertility Identification of practices that… +Unlocking business opportunities with Marlene José: FFM+ in action at AASW8 side events
- 19/05/2023
- Posted by: Gaetan Dermien
- Category: Africa, Corp EN, News
On Tuesday 6 June, 14h00-16h00 UTC+2, Marlene José will present her business during a side event on Unlocking business opportunities for young entrepreneurs organised by FARA, the COLEAD, YPARD and GFAR at the 8th African Agribusiness and Science Week (AASW8). The session will be held online and on-site in Durban, South Africa. Online participants have to register using this link. Live interpretation in English and French will be available. About Marlene José and FoodCare Marlene is the founder and CEO… +(Re-)Discover the producers’ and SMEs innovations in agroecology presented at the PAFO-COLEAD Innovations Session n°13
- 17/05/2023
- Posted by: Gaetan Dermien
- Category: ACP EN, Corp EN, News
On 10 May, COLEAD and PAFO convened the Innovations Session n°13 that focused on producers’ and SMEs innovations in agroecology for sustainable agrifood systems. Four inspiring farmers and entrepreneurs presented how their agrifood activities and businesses support agroecology and sustainability. The first panel was followed by the presentations of two African support organisations and of their successes with agroecological practices on the field. The online session – available in English, French and Portuguese – gathered 250 participants and was again… +Fall armyworm: effective, sustainable, and affordable control solutions are needed for this devastating pest in Africa
- 17/05/2023
- Posted by: Gaetan Dermien
- Category: ACP EN, Africa, Corp EN, News
The fall armyworm (FAW), Spodoptera frugiperda, is an emerging insect pest that was first recorded in West Africa in 2016. FAW attacks more than 80 plant species, with a strong preference for maize, one of the most widely produced and consumed cereals in sub-Saharan Africa. Since its introduction, the distribution of FAW has been expanding steadily and now covers the whole of Africa. The pest causes significant yield and economic losses and poses a serious threat to food security in… +Unlocking business opportunities for young entrepreneurs: FFM+ in Action at AASW8 Side Events
- 17/05/2023
- Posted by: Sandra Borma
- Category: ACP EN
About 11 million young Africans enter every year the labour force which continuously adds pressure to local economies and food systems. Many young farmers and agri-entrepreneurs are innovators and risk-takers but lack access to market. There is an urgent need to strengthen the entrepreneurial ecosystem, especially in rural areas, to ensure that youth can establish viable livelihoods. Investing in youth and empowering young agri-entrepreneurs to engage responsibly in their farms and businesses are fundamental to achieve many Sustainable Development Goals… +EU and GB pesticide approval changes in 2022
- 16/05/2023
- Posted by: Gaetan Dermien
- Category: Uncategorized
Review of EU and GB pesticide approval changes during 2022 During 2022, the European Commission (EC) published 125 changes to plant protection product (PPP) approvals within the European Union (EU). These include 35 changes concerning substances that are of importance for African, Caribbean and Pacific (ACP) horticulture. Great Britain (GB) has published 3 changes to PPP approvals involving alpha-cypermethrin, cinmethylin and indoxacarb. How will ACP producers/exporters be affected? Many of these changes to EU regulations involve the loss of… +OECD-COLEAD session on the impact of climate change on fruit and vegetables
- 11/05/2023
- Posted by: Sandra Borma
- Category: ACP EN
Climate change is a major concern to the agricultural sector with effects on the quality of fruit and vegetables that could undermine, or reverse progress made in recent decades in terms of food security and safety. In this context, it is key to adapt and find solutions to the challenges linked to climate change to still be able to offer quality and enough food to consumers. The fruit and vegetable industry needs to adapt its methods for food production (from… +