eLearning Africa in Kigali: an edition rich in opportunities for collaboration to continuously improve digital learning
- 10/06/2024
- Posted by: Sandra Borma
- Category: News
No CommentseLearning Africa in Kigali: an edition rich in opportunities for collaboration to continuously improve digital learning Launched in 2005, eLearning Africa takes place each year in a different country on the African continent. The event welcomes visitors and speakers from over 100 countries around the world, more than 75% of whom are from Africa. Topics covered include digital learning, training and skills development. For several years now, COLEAD has participated with a dual objective: to present and share its… +72nd UNECE Specialized Session on Fruit and Vegetables: new standards and nomenclatures in progress
- 10/06/2024
- Posted by: Sandra Borma
- Category: News
72nd UNECE Specialized Session on Fruit and Vegetables: new standards and nomenclatures in progress As part of its FFM+ programme, COLEAD participated in the 72nd Specialised Session on Fruit and Vegetables of the United Nations Economic Commission for Europe (UNECE), which took place from 6 to 8 May at the Palais des Nations in Geneva. The event brought together some thirty delegations representing national inspection authorities, professional organisations (such as Union Fleurs and COLEAD) and international institutions such as… +Black bananas, Zuchiolo, seedless lemons, sweet red onions… new AI technology…. The sector is innovating and putting on a show at EU trade fairs!
- 10/06/2024
- Posted by: Sandra Borma
- Category: News
Black bananas, Zuchiolo, seedless lemons, sweet red onions… new AI technology…. The sector is innovating and putting on a show at EU trade fairs! Through the FFM+ programme, the COLEAD Market Insights team keeps an eye on trends and innovations at major trade shows in Europe and beyond. We meet our stakeholders, visit stands and talk to as many people as possible to gather the latest news and trends. Want to know more about the big stories from the… +Participating in consultations on changes to EU agri-food and fisheries legislation: feedback from the webinars held on 28 and 30 May 2024
- 10/06/2024
- Posted by: Sandra Borma
- Category: News
Participating in consultations on changes to EU agri-food and fisheries legislation: feedback from the webinars held on 28 and 30 May 2024 As part of the FFM+ and AGRINFO programmes, COLEAD, through its Regulations & Standards and Technical Assistance departments, organised an informative webinar on the procedures for monitoring and participating in consultations on future changes to the European Union’s agri-food and fisheries regulations. The webinar, which attracted a total of 273 participants (mainly from BMOs and Competent authorities… +COLEAD research and advocacy supporting the vanilla sector in the face of changing EU regulations – 150,000 producer families potentially affected
- 10/06/2024
- Posted by: Sandra Borma
- Category: News
COLEAD research and advocacy supporting the vanilla sector in the face of changing EU regulations – 150,000 producer families potentially affected Commission Regulation (EU) 2023/377 was published in February 2023, reducing the nicotine maximum residue levels (MRLs) for seed spices and fruit spices to the limit of determination (LOD). This change was not because of any identified risk to consumer health but was based on data submitted to the Commission indicating the nicotine levels occurring in these products under… +SHOULD FRESH PRODUCE IMPORTS INTO EUROPE BE BANNED? THE FAIRMILES CONSORTIUM IS BROADENING THE DIALOGUE NEEDED FOR GREATER CLIMATE JUSTICE.
- 13/05/2024
- Posted by: Sandra Borma
- Category: News
SHOULD FRESH PRODUCE IMPORTS INTO EUROPE BE BANNED? THE FAIRMILES CONSORTIUM IS BROADENING THE DIALOGUE NEEDED FOR GREATER CLIMATE JUSTICE. The event, which took place both online and in person in Brussels on Tuesday 30 April, brought together more than 200 representatives from retail, food companies, NGOs and government to explore the following issues: The impact of airfreighted fresh horticultural products from developing countries. Climate justice considerations for companies’ net zero strategies To ban or not to ban: should we… +IICA COLEAD NEXT WEBINAR: OPPORTUNITIES IN LOCAL AND REGIONAL MARKETS FOR CARIBBEAN ENTREPRENEURS
- 08/05/2024
- Posted by: Sandra Borma
- Category: News
IICA COLEAD NEXT WEBINAR : Opportunities in local and regional markets for Caribbean entrepreneurs The Inter-American Institute for Cooperation on Agriculture (IICA) and COLEAD kindly invite you to the 13th Caribbean Agrifood Business session on Opportunities in local and regional markets for Caribbean entrepreneurs . The session will be held online on Thursday 23 May 2024 – 10:00-12:00 AST / 14:00-16:00 UTC. Live interpretation will be available in English, French, Spanish and Portuguese. The agenda will follow soon. To register,… +AGRIPRENEURS EMPOWERED WITH KEY FINANCIAL KNOWLEDGE
- 08/05/2024
- Posted by: Sandra Borma
- Category: News
AGRIPRENEURS EMPOWERED WITH KEY FINANCIAL KNOWLEDGE As part of its Fit for Market + programme, COLEAD hosted a high-impact webinar to help break down financial barriers for agripreneurs who are based in francophone sub-Saharan Africa. Held on 17 April, the event, entitled “Démystifier l’accès au financement pour vos projets agricoles et horticoles”, focused on clarifying the complexities surrounding financial opportunities for agripreneurs. The 90-minute session attracted over 120 participants from more than 20 countries, demonstrating a strong regional interest in… +ZAMBIA : INNOVATIVE COLEAD-GART PARTNERSHIP TO IMPROVE SOIL FERTILITY AND INCREASE THE ECONOMIC VALUE OF CROPS
- 08/05/2024
- Posted by: Sandra Borma
- Category: News
Zambia : innovative COLEAD-GART partnership to improve soil fertility and increase the economic value of crops In an exciting new development through the Fit For Market Plus programme, COLEAD has partnered with the Golden Valley Agricultural Research Trust (GART) in Zambia to launch ground-breaking field trials. These trials are designed to evaluate the integration of two underutilised vegetables, Cleome (Cleome gynandra L.) and Amaranthus (Amaranthus spp.), into tomato and cabbage cropping systems. The main objective is to explore sustainable agricultural… +DISCOVER COLEAD’S NEW SELF-PACED COURSE ON BUSINESS PLANNING IN AGRICULTURE
- 25/04/2024
- Posted by: Sandra Borma
- Category: News
Discover COLEAD’s new self-paced course on business planning in agriculture COLEAD is pleased to introduce through the FFM+ programme a new educational offering: a self-paced course designed to equip agricultural professionals with the skills to produce effective and compelling business plans. This course is specifically tailored to the agricultural sector, with a focus on horticultural businesses, and aims to enhance participants’ ability to secure funding, optimise management and stimulate innovation within their organisations. Course outline The new course provides a… +