#WorldFoodDay: Agrifood SMEs and businesses contribution to leaving no one behind
- 16/10/2022
- Posted by: Gaetan Dermien
- Category: ACP EN, News
No CommentsThe World Food Day 2022 highlights the increasing interlinkages of economies, cultures, and populations with its theme “leave no one behind”. Global health, planet and political challenges call for global solutions that include guaranteeing the access and availability of nutritious food, as well as reducing food losses and waste. These solutions should specifically be designed and adapted to rural populations as they are the most vulnerable to food and climate crises, with 80 % of the extreme poor living in… +COLEACP celebrates businesses and SMEs empowering rural women
- 15/10/2022
- Posted by: Gaetan Dermien
- Category: ACP EN, News
The International Day of Rural Women, celebrated the day before the International World Food Day (on 16 October), acknowledges women’s significant contributions to agriculture food and food safety, as well as the rural economy in all regions of the world. Women represent, on average, 43 percent of the agricultural labour force in developing countries from 20 percent in Latin America to 50 percent in Eastern Asia and sub-Saharan Africa.1 They are a significant entrepreneurial force as owners of farms, input… +Fit For Market Plus – apply now for programme support
- 15/07/2022
- Posted by: Gaetan Dermien
- Category: ACP EN, Headline, News
In total, close to a 1000 participants attended six regional events and the intra-ACP official launch event for the new FFM + programme. These events were the opportunity to present the rational behind the programme, to detail foreseen activities for stakeholders from the ACP horticultural sector, and to explain how to access support. Funded by the EU and the OACPS (25 Million EUR over a period of 5 years), this new programme aims to mitigate the impacts of Covid-19 by… +COLEACP’s 2021 Annual Report is just published
- 15/07/2022
- Posted by: Gaetan Dermien
- Category: ACP EN, News
Our new look annual report is available here. Get a quick overview of our 2021 programmes (Fit For Market, Fit For Market SPS, NExT Kenya, STDF projects) and our contributions to collaborative projects (with UNIDO and Enabel, among others) – and view snapshots of selected programme activities. The report also gives a brief summary of the EU and ACP horticultural markets in 2021. “Despite the unpredictable international context, we remain confident in the future. All the more so as horticultural… +Three missions to meet with our partners and collaborators
- 13/07/2022
- Posted by: Gaetan Dermien
- Category: Burundi, Caribbean, Dominican Republic, Guinea, News
Guinea Several meetings were organised with the Direction Nationale de la Protection des Végétaux et des Denrées Stockées (DNPV-DS) of the Ministry of Agriculture in Guinea. Planned capacity building activities (training in sampling and performing official controls) were discussed, as well as possibilities for the establishment of an internal training unit within Guinea’s National Plant Protection Organisation (NPPO). The STDF project in Guinea began in 2019 with the aim to strengthen phytosanitary capacity in Guinea, contributing to the establishment of… +EC “Mirror Clauses” report reiterates importance of WTO rules and support for developing countries
- 13/07/2022
- Posted by: Sandra Borma
- Category: ACP EN, News
On 3 June 2022 the European Commission published its report on the application of EU health and environmental standards to imported agricultural products. The debate on how EU rules can ensure that imported produce matches EU standards – described as “mirror clauses” – has been a hot topic during France’s presidency of the Council. Several Member States are pressing the Commission to ensure that as the EU strives for higher standards, third countries must be obliged to apply the same… +Sandra, Noël and Rachel – three innovative and inspiring entrepreneurs from Africa and the Caribbean, honoured during EDDs 2022
- 13/07/2022
- Posted by: Gaetan Dermien
- Category: Africa, Caribbean, News
On 22 June, during the European Development Days in Brussels, three young entrepreneurs from Africa and the Caribbean had the opportunity to present their business model promoting sustainability, links with research, development and adoption of technologies, and the use of digital tools in a Lab Debate organised by COLEACP and its partners. The European Union (EU)’s premier forum for international partnerships took place physically in Brussels and online on 21-22 June. It focused on the implementation of the EU’s Global… +Fruit Logistica and Macfrut 2022– it was good to be back!
- 23/05/2022
- Posted by: Gaetan Dermien
- Category: ACP EN, News
After a long but necessary delay, we were happy to represent the EU-funded Fit For Market SPS and Fit For Market Plus programmes at two trade fairs, as well as the NExT Kenya programme, and to meet up again with our members and partners. Numbers were up at Macfrut 2022 The international trade show for the fresh produce industry, held from May 4 to 6 at Rimini Expo Center, registered 38,500 visitors, an increase of +18% compared to the edition… +FFM and FFM SPS recognised for improving the livelihoods of ACP producers
- 20/05/2022
- Posted by: Gaetan Dermien
- Category: ACP EN, News
The external mid-term evaluation of the FFM and FFM SPS programmes was conducted between September and November 2021. The evaluation methodology consisted of document review, design, dissemination and analysis of a survey with a representative sample of partner-beneficiaries – 89 invited with a 91% response rate, and interviews with a multitude of stakeholders – national, regional and/or supranational. The main findings of the final evaluation report were very positive, indicating that more than 90% of the partner-recipients interviewed during the… +Join us for your regional launch of Fit For Market Plus
- 29/04/2022
- Posted by: Gaetan Dermien
- Category: ACP EN, News
In the framework of the development cooperation between the Organisation of African, Caribbean and Pacific States (OACPS) and the European Union, the OACPS and the Directorate General INTPA of the European Commission have entrusted COLEACP with the implementation of the new Fit For Market + (FFM+) programme. FFM+ has been designed and will be implemented in line with the FFM programmes and the results of COLEACP’s COVID action plan from March 2020. This 5-year €25 million programme is funded by… +