Kenya: Consultative meeting with exporters of beans and peas with pods by the Horticultural Crop Directorate (HCD)
- 20/07/2022
- Posted by: Sandra Borma
- Category: Kenya, News
No CommentsKenya is a major exporter of horticultural produce to the European Union (EU) which constitutes 80% of total exports. The total value of horticultural exports reached 157.7 billion Kenya shillings (KSh) in 2021. Kenya’s beans and peas with pods have, over the years, enjoyed a sizeable market share in the EU. However, this is threatened by the numerous notifications that Kenya has been receiving of late. There is need for more engagement with industry players to ensure good quality, safe… +Presentation of the findings of an EU trade visit, and the outcome of a COLEACP-supported study
- 20/07/2022
- Posted by: Sandra Borma
- Category: Kenya, News
The National Horticulture Taskforce (NHT) of Kenya is a multi-stakeholder interactive and consensus-building forum with representation from public and private sector stakeholders in the horticulture sub-sector, promoting private-public sector dialogue. The major goal being to assure Kenya’s horticultural produce complies with market requirements and sustains its reputation as a leading grower and exporter of horticultural produce. The taskforce is involved in activities such as: capacity building; accreditation of business support facilities; awareness creation; development of common strategies; risk assessment; adoption… +KS1758 Certification Awards to farms via the Retail Trade Association of Kenya (RETRAK)
- 20/07/2022
- Posted by: Sandra Borma
- Category: Kenya, News
The Retail Trade Association of Kenya (RETRAK) supported by the Rockefeller Foundation, working with Horticultural Crop Directorate (HCD), the Standards Projects Committee and agriculture sector industry players, has been running KS1758 – Part 2: Implementation Project, with a focus on fruits and vegetables. It is expected that adoption of Kenya Bureau of Standards (KEBS) standard KS1758 will enhance food safety and food quality and facilitate sustainable market access for the Kenyan domestic market. Additionally, the standard will promote good agricultural… +EU and UK : notification of changes to plant protection product (PPP) approvals – April-June 2022
- 19/07/2022
- Posted by: Gaetan Dermien
- Category: ACP EN
Following the departure of the UK from the EU, COLEACP’s monitoring of pesticide regulations now covers both EU and GB approval changes, enabling us to keep COLEACP members and partner-beneficiaries up-to-date. The European Commission (EC) has recently issued notification of changes to plant protection product (PPP) approvals within the EU, some of which are important for ACP horticulture. These include: Approval of Beauveria bassiana strain 203 Approval of Spodoptera exigua multicapsid nucleopolyhedrovirus (SeMNPV), isolate BV-0004 as a low-risk substance Renewal… +New procedure for notifying non-compliances to third countries in TRACES-NT
- 19/07/2022
- Posted by: Gaetan Dermien
- Category: ACP EN
Some weeks ago, the EU sent out a notice to let third countries know that the system for notifying plant health interceptions (via email) would be replaced with a new system that uses the TRACES-NT platform. It is important to disseminate this information to all the National Plant Protection Organisation (NPPO) officials that are responsible for the follow-up of shipments of plants and plant products to the EU (and any associated interceptions). To access the new system, designated NPPO contact… +Fit For Market Plus – apply now for programme support
- 15/07/2022
- Posted by: Gaetan Dermien
- Category: ACP EN, Headline, News
In total, close to a 1000 participants attended six regional events and the intra-ACP official launch event for the new FFM + programme. These events were the opportunity to present the rational behind the programme, to detail foreseen activities for stakeholders from the ACP horticultural sector, and to explain how to access support. Funded by the EU and the OACPS (25 Million EUR over a period of 5 years), this new programme aims to mitigate the impacts of Covid-19 by… +Support project for agro-ecological transition/DEFIA: training of Beninese relay experts
- 15/07/2022
- Posted by: Sandra Borma
- Category: Benin
As part of the project to support the agro-ecological transition of the pineapple sector in Benin, COLEACP organised a training for trainers’ session from 27 June to 9 July 2022 in Cotonou. Sixteen experts took part in the session, which is the second of a three-phase training cycle aiming to strengthen the skills of relay experts on technical and pedagogical subjects so that they can subsequently support DEFIA’s partner groups in their agro-ecological transition projects. This second session aimed to… +COLEACP’s 2021 Annual Report is just published
- 15/07/2022
- Posted by: Gaetan Dermien
- Category: ACP EN, News
Our new look annual report is available here. Get a quick overview of our 2021 programmes (Fit For Market, Fit For Market SPS, NExT Kenya, STDF projects) and our contributions to collaborative projects (with UNIDO and Enabel, among others) – and view snapshots of selected programme activities. The report also gives a brief summary of the EU and ACP horticultural markets in 2021. “Despite the unpredictable international context, we remain confident in the future. All the more so as horticultural… +Amendments to EU plant health rules for False Codling Moth – July 2022
- 14/07/2022
- Posted by: Gaetan Dermien
- Category: ACP EN, News
The COLEACP Flash info issued on 20th June (and our website) gives an overview of recent AMENDMENTS TO THE EU PLANT HEALTH LEGISLATION. The latest regulation introduces new rules for False Codling Moth, which will apply from 14 of July 2022. We have updated our Guidelines on the export of Capsicum from Africa to incorporate the latest changes, and this is now available from our e-library. You may also be interested in the recent updates of our guidelines on eggplant… +More effective control of potato blight in Fouta-Djallon with a new warning system
- 14/07/2022
- Posted by: Sandra Borma
- Category: Guinea, News
In Fouta-Djallon, central Guinea, potato is a major crop, widely exported to countries in the sub-region, with more than 45,000 tonnes produced per year and 38,000 affiliated producers – 64% of whom are women. One of the major problems faced by potato crop is blight. Extremely prevalent during the rainy season, mildew limits the cultivated area of potato and forces producers to apply numerous phytosanitary treatments to ensure production. Surveys carried out as part of the development of the Guide… +