More effective control of potato blight in Fouta-Djallon with a new warning system
- 14/07/2022
- Posted by: Sandra Borma
- Category: Guinea, News
No CommentsIn Fouta-Djallon, central Guinea, potato is a major crop, widely exported to countries in the sub-region, with more than 45,000 tonnes produced per year and 38,000 affiliated producers – 64% of whom are women. One of the major problems faced by potato crop is blight. Extremely prevalent during the rainy season, mildew limits the cultivated area of potato and forces producers to apply numerous phytosanitary treatments to ensure production. Surveys carried out as part of the development of the Guide… +Suriname: Eggplant R-SAT Validation Workshop
- 13/07/2022
- Posted by: Gaetan Dermien
- Category: News, Suriname
On 24 May the Ministry of Agriculture, Animal Husbandry & Fisheries of the Republic of Suriname, in collaboration with COLEACP (Fit For Market SPS programme) and the Caribbean Agricultural Health & Food Safety Agency (CAHFSA), held a one-day Eggplant R-SAT Validation Workshop in Paramaribo, bringing together 20 key representatives from the public and private horticulture sectors. Prior to the Suriname workshop, a COLEACP expert team facilitated the dialogue and engagement between key stakeholders, both public and private, in their assessment… +Study tour to Kenya by Somalia’s competent authorities
- 13/07/2022
- Posted by: Sandra Borma
- Category: Kenya, News
In the last week of May, Kenya hosted a study tour by the Somalian competent authorities – the Somali Bureau of Standards (SOBS) and the Somali Agricultural Regulatory and Inspection Services (SARIS), part of the Ministry of Agriculture & Irrigation (MoA). They visited the Kenya Bureau of Standards (KEBS) and the Kenya Plant Health Inspectorate Service (KEPHIS) among other key stakeholders in the country – the Fresh Produce Exporters Association of Kenya (FPEAK), Pest Control Products Board (PCPB), Bureau Veritas… +NExT Kenya study on bottlenecks in the horticultural sector is supported by evidence from recent NHT mission
- 13/07/2022
- Posted by: Sandra Borma
- Category: Kenya, News
On 5 July, at a meeting with representatives of Kenya’s horticultural public and private sectors, Dr Kedera, NExT Kenya programme coordinator, presented the results of a study on the bottlenecks affecting the competitiveness of Kenyan horticultural exports. These results are the fruit of more than a year’s work, which involved local consultants, multiple exchanges with stakeholders in Kenya and Europe and the competent authorities, as well as methodological and coordination work by COLEACP’s Markets Insights department. What did the study… +Three missions to meet with our partners and collaborators
- 13/07/2022
- Posted by: Gaetan Dermien
- Category: Burundi, Caribbean, Dominican Republic, Guinea, News
Guinea Several meetings were organised with the Direction Nationale de la Protection des Végétaux et des Denrées Stockées (DNPV-DS) of the Ministry of Agriculture in Guinea. Planned capacity building activities (training in sampling and performing official controls) were discussed, as well as possibilities for the establishment of an internal training unit within Guinea’s National Plant Protection Organisation (NPPO). The STDF project in Guinea began in 2019 with the aim to strengthen phytosanitary capacity in Guinea, contributing to the establishment of… +Brexit: GB and EU MRLs diverge
- 13/07/2022
- Posted by: Gaetan Dermien
- Category: ACP EN, News
As reported in earlier COLEACP Flash Info emails, following the UK’s departure from the European Union the maximum residue levels (MRLs) for Great Britain (GB) have followed a different review process since January 2021. The UK competent authority has recently reviewed 48 active substances to determine some Codex MRLs that could be adopted as GB MRLs. It is likely that in future EU and GB MRLs will increasingly diverge: EU MRLs can be seen via the EU Pesticides database GB… +News Digest: Agri-food Markets, Production and Trade
- 13/07/2022
- Posted by: Gaetan Dermien
- Category: ACP EN, News
Production Africa Short Ivorian mango season follows long Peruvian one Henk van der Meij of Hars&Hagebauer reports on mango trade that “the Peruvian season’s tail end was unexpectedly long, due partly to shipping delays. So the first part of the African season (Côte d’Ivoire) coincided with the last part of the Peruvian season. That’s usually not ideal, but the promotions are keeping the mango sales momentum going. Eventually, the market will also have to start paying the price needed for… +New market study analyses trends and potential for ACP-Pacific horticulture
- 13/07/2022
- Posted by: Gaetan Dermien
- Category: Ginger, News, Pacific
A new study on the Pacific region by COLEACP’s Market Insights service aims to gain an in-depth understanding of regional, national and international trade dynamics and market trends, and to identify value-added supply chains for ACP-Pacific fruit and vegetable industry players. Although production is growing generally, and particularly for ginger, the region is increasingly dependent on imports, mainly due to the growth of the tourism sector and urban populations’ greater appreciation of imported processed foods. The most imported products are… +COLEACP’s New Board
- 13/07/2022
- Posted by: Gaetan Dermien
- Category: ACP EN, News
As the term of office of COLEACP’s Board Members expired in June 2022, elections were held at the COLEACP Ordinary General Meeting on 22 June. Sixteen Board Members were elected: ACP EUROPE Chairman Mr Stephen MINTAH, SPEG (Ghana) Vice-President Mrs Leena MALDE, WEALMOOR (UK) Secretary General Mr Jean-Marie SOP, UNAPAC (Cameroon) Treasurer Mr Vincent OMER-DECUGIS, S.I.I.M (France) Mr Moctar FOFANA, AOM (Mali) Mr Thomas HILDENBRAND, SIPEF (Belgium) Mr Karim DOSTMOHAMED, FRIGOKEN (Kenya) Mr Olivier HERRERA MARIN, FRESAL (France) Mrs Virginie… +EC “Mirror Clauses” report reiterates importance of WTO rules and support for developing countries
- 13/07/2022
- Posted by: Sandra Borma
- Category: ACP EN, News
On 3 June 2022 the European Commission published its report on the application of EU health and environmental standards to imported agricultural products. The debate on how EU rules can ensure that imported produce matches EU standards – described as “mirror clauses” – has been a hot topic during France’s presidency of the Council. Several Member States are pressing the Commission to ensure that as the EU strives for higher standards, third countries must be obliged to apply the same… +