New STDF funded project in Senegal to strengthen the plant health system


New STDF funded project in Senegal to strengthen the plant health system

Senegal, like many countries in the Sahel region, faces major challenges in securing its food supply in the face of rapid population growth and urbanisation. The threat posed by climate change, with the increased spread of pests and transboundary diseases, poses a significant risk to the country’s agriculture and food security. In this context, the Senegalese Ministry of Agriculture, led by the Directorate of Plant Protection, has launched a major initiative to strengthen its phytosanitary system through a new STDF funded project entrusted to COLEAD.

The project proposes a series of updates and improvements to current plant health management frameworks to bring Senegal up to international phytosanitary standards. It has four main thrusts: revising the legal framework, strengthening operational capacity, improving the skills of the staff involved, and stimulating communication and cooperation between the various stakeholders.

By addressing these issues, Senegal hopes not only to strengthen plant protection, but also to facilitate safe international trade in its agricultural products, particularly fruit and vegetables. Compliance with IPPC standards will ensure that Senegalese exports meet international phytosanitary requirements, minimising the risk of harmful interceptions and enhancing the country’s reputation on the world market.

Through this project, Senegal is positioning itself as a regional leader in phytosanitary protection, bringing its practices in line with international standards and contributing to a safer and more sustainable global trading environment.

The “Strengthening phytosanitary capacity to promote exports of horticulture products from Senegal” project is funded by the WTO’s Standards and Trade Development Facility (STDF) at the request of the Senegalese Ministry of Agriculture, Rural Development and Food Sovereignty’s (MAERSA) Directorate of Plant Protection.