New market profiles : processed pineapple in Guinea and mango in Burkina Faso
- 22/12/2021
- Posted by: Gaetan Dermien
- Category: Burkina Faso, Guinea, News

COLEACP’s Market Intelligence Service publishes the market profile for “Processed pineapple from Guinea”. This profile identifies market opportunities for three processed pineapple products (dried pineapple, pineapple juice and pineapple syrup) on the Guinean, West African and European markets. It is available in English (here) and French (here) for programme partners beneficiaries and COLEACP members.
The market profile for “Mango from Burkina Faso” was produced as part of the collaboration between COLEACP and VCA4D1, which carries out agricultural value chain analyses in EU partner countries. The objective of VCA4D’s work is to assess the contribution of sustainable and inclusive value chains to growth and job creation. The report presents the Burkinabe mango market, fresh and processed, at local, regional and international level. It is available for free access here (French version only).
Other market profiles are in progress and will be made available shortly: off-season fruit for mango in Mali ; air logistics for products exported from Suriname to the EU ; coffee and cocoa in Ecuador.
In parallel, the department will publish two market studies by the end of the year, which are currently being finalized by the Information and Communication Department :
- Market study of fruit and vegetables from ACP countries in the Pacific region
- Market study of fruit and vegetables from ACP countries in the Caribbea, region
As a reminder, COLEACP’s Market Intelligence Service published a study of the European market for ACP fruit and vegetables last July (available in English here, and in French here, on the COLEACP e-library).
1 Value Chain Analysis for Development. More information on the program here :
These activities are supported by the Fit For Market and Fit For Market SPS programmes, implemented by COLEACP within the Framework of Development Cooperation between the Organisation of African, Caribbean and Pacific States (OACPS) and the European Union. Fit For Market is co-funded by the French Development Agency (AFD).