EU food packaging regulations: the new rules impose new requirements that also apply to suppliers outside the European Union


New rules on packaging and packaging waste, including design and waste management, are set by the European Union (EU) under the Packaging and Packaging Waste Regulation (PPWR) (Regulation 2025/40). The objective is to increase the reuse and recycling of all packaging materials, including food packaging. The new rules also apply to suppliers of packaged food to the EU market who are based outside the EU.

Under the PPWR rules, all packaging and packaging waste made of any material have to comply with sustainability requirements, i.e. as regards substances of concern, recyclable packaging, minimum recycled content, compostable packaging and packaging minimisation.

The PPWR rules apply from different dates starting from 12 August 2026.

New PPWR rules having a direct impact on fresh fruit and vegetables include:

  • All sticky labels attached to fruit and vegetables have to be compostable from 12 February 2028
  • Single use plastic packaging cannot be used for quantities of fresh fruit and vegetables <1.5 kg from 1st January 2030

Of importance is to note that the new Regulation allows EU Member States to set higher targets for some obligations, and to choose not to apply some obligations in specific cases (for example, certain prepacked fresh fruit and vegetables <1.5 kg could be packaged in single use plastic packaging). The differences between the national applications of the rules within the 27 EU Member States will have to be closely monitored.

More information about the PPWR is available in this record published on AGRINFO.

Implications for operators outside of the EU

Under the new rules, non-EU exporters of packaged foods to the EU market must ensure by the end of 2025 that:

  • any packaging has undergone an appropriate conformity assessment procedure
  • the relevant technical documentation has been drawn up by the packaging manufacturer
  • the manufacturer has provided a written declaration of conformity for the packaging type.

Suppliers exporting packaged foods should engage early with packaging manufacturers to review testing, monitoring, and documentation processes. Packaging manufacturers must be able to provide the information and documentation necessary for the exporter manufacturer to demonstrate compliance with this Regulation.

 Suppliers of fruit and vegetables should closely monitor how EU Member States intend to implement rules on single use plastic packaging for products weighing <1.5 kg. They should explore sources of non-compostable sticky labels.

COLEAD action

Packaging and packaging waste is a key area of work for the Regulations and Standards department. Several activities are being developed, including:

  • Publishing updates on the latest regulatory changes on the AGRINFO website
  • Preparing an explaining document to be published online
  • Launching a study on packaging manufacturing and technologies in AGRINFO partner countries
  • Providing tailor-made advisory support to operators asking questions on this topic

These actions are implemented by COLEAD’s Regulations and Standards department.

Be aware that other COLEAD departments are undertaking activities on this topic of high relevance for agri-food operators, including partner-beneficiaries of programmes such as FFM+ implemented by COLEAD. This includes:

Stay tuned throughout the year to benefit from the various activities organised around a highly strategic theme, particularly for the international fruit and vegetable sector.

This activity is supported by the AGRINFO programme. The AGRINFO programme is implemented by COLEAD and funded by the European Union (EU). This communication has been produced with the financial support of the EU. Its contents are the sole responsibility of COLEAD and can under no circumstances be regarded as reflecting the position of the EU.