COLEACP receives distinction for support to Togo’s organic sector
- 27/12/2021
- Posted by: Sandra Borma
- Category: News, Togo

COLEACP, through its Fit For Market SPS programme, was a partner in the second edition of the Organic and Local Organic Fair organised by the Association Nationale pour l’Agriculture Biologique au TOGO (ANA-Bio TOGO) and partners. The aim was to promote the production and consumption of organic products.
From 9 to 11 December 2021 in Notsè, Togo, visitors and exhibitors gathered in a friendly atmosphere to experience conferences, presentations and tastings of certified organic products. The event was also the occasion for awarding prizes and honorary distinctions to stakeholders, including technical and financial partners, involved in promoting sustainable and organic agriculture in Togo.
Mr Bodomziba Tchala, COLEACP’s National Relay in Togo, received the honorary distinction of the “Togo Organic Agriculture Awards” on behalf of the association.
COLEACP is delighted to receive this award, which will motivate the association to continue and intensify its efforts to support the production and marketing of organic products in Togo, in the sub-region and in Europe.

The principles of organic farming, which respect people and nature, are in harmony with COLEACP’s mission to develop an inclusive and sustainable trade in agricultural and food products. This approach has a special place in the association’s capacity-building and cascading training activities for current and future generations of producers, entrepreneurs, consultants, technicians, and other economic actors in the agricultural and food system.
In Togo, COLEACP works closely with ANA-Bio TOGO, 28 enterprises and producer groups, most of which are active producers of organic products, as well as specialist training consultancies, and producer organisations. COLEACP also collaborates with the services of the Ministry of Agriculture, Livestock and Rural Development for inspection and phytosanitary control, and agricultural extension.
This activity is supported by the Fit For Market SPS programme, implemented by COLEACP in the framework of development cooperation between the Organisation of African, Caribbean and Pacific States (OEACP) and the European Union.