Uganda: Updated Technical Brochure on false codling moth
- 15/12/2021
- Posted by: Gaetan Dermien
- Category: Capsicum, News, Pepper, Uganda
No CommentsCOLEACP has just updated its Technical Brochure on the management of false codling moth (FCM, Thaumatotibia leucotreta), for use in training sessions with Ugandan growers of pepper (Capsicum spp.). The main enhancement is an updated table of plant protection products (PPPs) potentially effective against FCM that are currently registered for use in Uganda (2021). The information includes the active ingredients and concentrations, the Insecticide Resistance Action Committee (IRAC) mode of action classification, the World Health Organization (WHO) classification, and the… +SPS Good Practice Guide for Penja pepper
- 02/11/2021
- Posted by: Gaetan Dermien
- Category: Africa, Cameroon, Pepper
A “Sanitary and Phytosanitary Good Practice Guide for the Penja Pepper Sector” has recently been published in French and will soon be available in English. Together with sector stakeholders, the Penja Pepper Representative Geographical Indication Group (GRIGPP) managed the development and production of the guide, which is based on an analysis of SPS risks throughout the value chain. The publication was achieved through the project “Improving SPS capacity in the Penja pepper value chain”, which is funded by the Standards… +Understanding the new EU Organic Regulation
- 24/06/2021
- Posted by: Sandra Borma
- Category: Apples, Avocados, Bananas, Benin, Burkina Faso, Cameroon, Capsicum, Cassava, Chillies, Côte d'Ivoire, Democratic Republic Of The Congo, Ethnic vegetables, French beans, Ginger, Guinea, Lettuces, Madagascar, Mali, Mangoes, Mangosteens, News, Okra, Onions, Papayas, Passion fruit, Pears, Pepper, Plantains, Rwanda, Senegal, Shallots, Spinach, Sweet potatoes, Togo, Tomatoes
COLEACP organised an online workshop on 15 June to present the changes and potential impacts of the new European Union (EU) Organic Regulation 2018/848, which will enter into force in January 2022. The workshop brought together 80 participants, COLEACP partners involved in the production and export of organic fruit and vegetables. They were given a presentation by Michel Reynaud, Board Member of IFOAM Organics Europe and Vice President of Ecocert, who reviewed the main changes of the new regulation that… +News digest: Agri-food policy
- 28/05/2021
- Posted by: Gaetan Dermien
- Category: Africa, Caribbean, Cocoa, News, Pacific, Pepper
GLOBAL Fairtrade Covid Fund: A significant impact for farmers Fairtrade’s Covid Relief and Resilience Fund is a joint effort developed by Fairtrade International, its member organisations, and government and commercial partners, aimed at delivering direct financial help to small-scale producers hard-hit by the Covid-19 pandemic. More than 500,000 farmers and agricultural workers in nearly 60 countries across Asia, Africa, Latin America and the Caribbean benefit from the Fund. Launched in 2020. the €15 million fund runs until 2022, providing personal… +Second session of STDF Cameroon project facilitator training
- 03/02/2021
- Posted by: Sandra Borma
- Category: Cameroon, News, Pepper
All this week, in Penja, a second training session is taking place for experts and strategic actors in the pepper value chain. This follow-up session aims to put into practice the technical and training skills acquired during the first session in December 2020. At the end of this training, participants will be able to play the role of trainers and coaches, especially for the training courses planned within the framework of this project. The STDF Cameroon project, led by COLEACP,… +STDF Cameroon: Support to Penja Pepper GI staff
- 21/10/2020
- Posted by: Emmanuel Bourcelet
- Category: Cameroon, Pepper
A mission is under way in Penja to support staff of the Penja Pepper Geographical Indication (GI) to create a database of all the main actors in the pepper production and distribution chain in the five production basins of the GI, as well as a census of these stakeholders in the field. This mission is part of the STDF/PG/593 project, which aims to contribute to improving the sanitary and phytosanitary quality of Penja pepper to facilitate its access to markets,… +