MALI and BURKINA FASO: COLEAD and the EU in the fields
- 11/04/2023
- Posted by: Gaetan Dermien
- Category: Burkina Faso, Mali, News
No CommentsThe Fit For Market Plus (FFM+) programme was launched in Mali and Burkina Faso through the organization of two workshops in March. In total, 100 participants were present, including companies, professional organisations, cooperatives, service providers and competent authorities. At the event, the COLEAD team presented the evolution of EU market access requirements for fruit and vegetables, as well as the support opportunities available through the FFM+ programme, which aims to “mitigate the impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic by strengthening the… +SENEGAL: Residue-free sweetcorn
- 11/04/2023
- Posted by: Gaetan Dermien
- Category: Corn, News, Senegal
The COLEAD Research and Innovation Brokerage Department is currently working on updating Technical Itineraries or Good Phytosanitary Practices Guides through the FFM SPS and FFM+ programmes, which include information on good agricultural practices (GAPs). These GAPs ensure compliance with European and Codex MRLs, as well as residue-free production. Information on GAPs is integrated into the COLEAD E-GAP database, developed to ensure that producers have access to the necessary information to use PPPs safely and comply with market requirements (EU MRLs… +CAMEROON: Small producers trained on business accounting
- 11/04/2023
- Posted by: Gaetan Dermien
- Category: Cameroon, News
COLEAD collaborates with stakeholders in agricultural value chains in countries with high potential for economic and social development to support their growth. One of COLEAD’s main activities is to strengthen the capacities of local actors through vocational training. Recently, as part of the FFM SPS programme, COLEAD organised a training session in Cameroon for the supervisory team of small producers and a few ‘pilot’ producer-dryers from the TERRESPOIR GIC. The objective of the training was to teach the producers how… +Tanzania: Avocado commercial fruit quality collective training
- 30/03/2023
- Posted by: Sandra Borma
- Category: Tanzania
The Fit for Market Plus programme recently held a collective training session in Njombe, from 21st-24th March 2023, on “Avocado Commercial Fruit Quality: Good Harvest and Post-Harvest Practices.” This training aimed to enhance the capacity of twenty-three technical and extension staff, and agronomists responsible for avocado quality control in different exporting companies in Tanzania. The training covered avocado characteristics, nursery establishment, avocado maturity testing, harvesting, transport, packhouse operations, market requirements, and other relevant topics during two sessions: theoretical and practical.… +Fit For Market Plus (FFM+) launch in Malawi
- 21/03/2023
- Posted by: Sandra Borma
- Category: Malawi
In the framework of the Fit for Market Plus (FFM+) programme, a mission is taking place in Malawi with the participation of four COLEAD team members from the Technical Assistance and Training Units. The mission is an opportunity to meet the FFM+ applicants and share the COLEAD/FFM+ offer and global benefits. Since the launch of FFM+ (in July 2022) a total of 65 applications for support have been received from Malawi as of early March 2023. This is substantially more… +Farming as a Business 2 : Training Boosts Entrepreneurial Skills in Sierra Leone and Liberia
- 19/03/2023
- Posted by: Sandra Borma
- Category: Sierra Leone
In November 2022, COLEAD organised a collective training on “Farming as a Business 2 (FAB2)” for a group of companies based in Sierra Leone and Liberia. This training complements the first FAB1 training session, which took place in June 2022 and was followed by an individual and tailor-made coaching in December 2022. Each participating company received tailor-made support based on the priority needs identified by each manager. The objective of this second session was to strengthen management and leadership skills,… +Tanzania: Zanzibar’s producers get trained in accounting
- 03/03/2023
- Posted by: Sandra Borma
- Category: Tanzania
As part of COLEAD’s Fit For Market SPS programme, a training on “Bookkeeping and Cost-Benefit Calculations” was organised for Zanzibar Fruit and Vegetable Growers Association (UWAMWIMA) in October 2022, at their premises on Zanzibar Island. UWAMWIMA is an association of smallholder producers from the horticultural sector in Zanzibar. The association was established in 2004 and counts over 2,000 smallholder producers as members. The smallholder producers are involved in the production of watermelon, tomatoes, pineapple, okra, papaya, cucumber, eggplant, green pepper,… +Taking the time to Connect, Listen and Observe
- 01/03/2023
- Posted by: Sandra Borma
- Category: Tanzania
BIOFACH was a great opportunity for COLEAD to connect with our partners-beneficiaries. Joyce Kamugisha from JJ Agro Growers Ltd., Tanzania, shared that the knowledge she gained from the training on “Access to market” was extremely valuable. Joyce shared the three key messages with us: Start from where you are – opportunities are in front of you Look at your local market – test your product locally Three words international clients want to hear from you before doing any business: sustainability,… +Côte d’Ivoire : new plant protection product for mango fruit flies
- 24/02/2023
- Posted by: Gaetan Dermien
- Category: Côte d'Ivoire, News
Fruit flies remain a major challenge for West African mango exports to the EU. For species classified as ‘union quarantine pests’, fruits containing larva cannot enter the EU, and infested consignments will be rejected by the European phytosanitary services. The problem facing producers is compounded by the limited range of products authorised for their control. In a step towards overcoming this challenge, a new plant protection product has recently been registered in Côte d’Ivoire and will be available to producers… +FFM+ launches in Senegal and the Gambia
- 24/02/2023
- Posted by: Gaetan Dermien
- Category: Gambia, News, Senegal
January saw the local launch of the FFM+ programme in Senegal and the Gambia, following the programme’s virtual launch event for the Western African region in May 2022. The launch events brought together horticultural sector stakeholders in each country. The events were also an opportunity to inform partners and potential partner-beneficiaries about the new programme; to meet entities that have recently applied for support under FFM+; and to meet with current partner-beneficiaries under the FFM SPS Programme to evaluate activities… +