FFM+ : Over 550 applications received from 45 member countries of the OACPS
- 11/04/2023
- Posted by: Gaetan Dermien
- Category: ACP EN, News
No CommentsAs part of the implementation of the Fit For Market Plus (FFM+) programme, the COLEAD team has organized 6 virtual regional events and 20 national workshops since May 2022, bringing together a total of 1,600 participants. The team has also met with numerous potential partner-beneficiaries at trade fairs and conferences. Interested organisations were invited to fill out an application for support form available on the COLEAD website. The form is tailored to each type of organisation: production/processing companies, service providers,… +FFM+ launch reflects the new dynamics of the agricultural sector in Malawi
- 11/04/2023
- Posted by: Gaetan Dermien
- Category: Malawi, News
As part of the Fit for Market Plus (FFM+) programme, a COLEAD team visited Malawi in March. To date, 65 FFM+ applications for support have been received from this country. The mission was an opportunity to meet with FFM+ programme candidates and share the COLEAD/FFM+ offer. This is significantly more than in previous programmes. Specifically, FFM+ applications have been received from 47 horticultural MSMEs (producers, processors), 12 support structures for smallholder farmers, 5 service providers and 1 professional association. This… +MALI and BURKINA FASO: COLEAD and the EU in the fields
- 11/04/2023
- Posted by: Gaetan Dermien
- Category: Burkina Faso, Mali, News
The Fit For Market Plus (FFM+) programme was launched in Mali and Burkina Faso through the organization of two workshops in March. In total, 100 participants were present, including companies, professional organisations, cooperatives, service providers and competent authorities. At the event, the COLEAD team presented the evolution of EU market access requirements for fruit and vegetables, as well as the support opportunities available through the FFM+ programme, which aims to “mitigate the impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic by strengthening the… +SENEGAL: Residue-free sweetcorn
- 11/04/2023
- Posted by: Gaetan Dermien
- Category: Corn, News, Senegal
The COLEAD Research and Innovation Brokerage Department is currently working on updating Technical Itineraries or Good Phytosanitary Practices Guides through the FFM SPS and FFM+ programmes, which include information on good agricultural practices (GAPs). These GAPs ensure compliance with European and Codex MRLs, as well as residue-free production. Information on GAPs is integrated into the COLEAD E-GAP database, developed to ensure that producers have access to the necessary information to use PPPs safely and comply with market requirements (EU MRLs… +CAMEROON: Small producers trained on business accounting
- 11/04/2023
- Posted by: Gaetan Dermien
- Category: Cameroon, News
COLEAD collaborates with stakeholders in agricultural value chains in countries with high potential for economic and social development to support their growth. One of COLEAD’s main activities is to strengthen the capacities of local actors through vocational training. Recently, as part of the FFM SPS programme, COLEAD organised a training session in Cameroon for the supervisory team of small producers and a few ‘pilot’ producer-dryers from the TERRESPOIR GIC. The objective of the training was to teach the producers how… +Lessons from the first trade fairs in 2023
- 11/04/2023
- Posted by: Gaetan Dermien
- Category: ACP EN, News
In February 2023, COLEAD successfully participated in Fruit Logistica and BIOFACH in Germany, under the FFM+, FFM SPS and NExT Kenya programmes. Through a series of meetings, conferences and networking events, we established and nurtured relationships with almost 400 contacts from 57 countries. Despite ongoing challenges posed by the COVID-19 pandemic, both fairs made strides towards post-pandemic recovery. However, the number of visitors remained lower compared to the pre-pandemic period. We observed that the demand in the sector remains dynamic… +Keeping AGRINFO subscribers up-to-date
- 11/04/2023
- Posted by: Gaetan Dermien
- Category: ACP EN, News
AGRINFO is a new information programme on evolving EU policies, regulations and standards with potential impacts on agricultural value chains in low- and middle-income countries. This global programme, funded by the EU and implemented by COLEAD, covers food and commodity crops, livestock and fisheries. A key aspect of the new programme is disseminating clear and accessible information to all interested stakeholders. AGRINFO UPDATE is a regular email alert every 2 weeks. It lists the most recent EU regulatory and policy… +850 new learners per month registered on the COLEAD e-learning platform
- 11/04/2023
- Posted by: Gaetan Dermien
- Category: ACP EN, News
Since the start of the year, around 850 new learners register monthly on the COLEAD e-learning platform (mainly via FFM+ programme). This vocational training platform (training.colead.link) is one of the online resources developed by COLEAD. To date, close to 20,000 users are registered on the platform, out of which 72.6% are based in member countries of the OACPS. Additionally, 75 of the 78 ACP countries are represented. Madagascar is the top user country with 1563 learners, due in part to… +ALFA: French private sector partners to contribute to sustainable development of agriculture and livestock in Africa
- 07/04/2023
- Posted by: Gaetan Dermien
- Category: Africa, News
On 24 March 2023, the ALFA initiative (Agriculture Livestock Fisheries Africa) was officially established as a non-profit association. The event took place in Paris at the Economic, Social and Environmental Council with 50 founding members present, including COLEAD. Aware that Africa represents an exceptional lever for sustainable growth, the ALFA association aims to prospect and develop value chains in the agriculture and livestock sector, primarily relying on private entrepreneurship. The goal is to address the economic and food autonomy challenges… +Change of maximum residue limits (MRLs) from the CODEX ALIMENTARIUS
- 27/02/2023
- Posted by: Gaetan Dermien
- Category: ACP EN, News
A review of key Codex MRL changes in 2021-2022 Every year, the use of many plant protection products is affected by changes to permitted Maximum Residue Limits (MRLs). As a result of COVID, the 2020 review of MRLs by the CODEX committee on pesticide residue did not take place. In 2021, MRLs were changed for 68 active substances and recently published in the CODEX Pesticide MRL database. These changes often have a direct impact on producers who may need to… +