Gabon, Maurice, Tanzania : FFM+ and AGRINFO presentations
- 13/07/2023
- Posted by: Emmanuel Bourcelet
- Category: Corp EN, Mauritius, Tanzania
No CommentsTanzania In March/April 2023, as part of the Fit For Market Plus (FFM+) program, members of COLEAD’s Technical Assistance department visited Tanzania to strengthen dialogue with partner beneficiaries and present the FFM+ programme. The local launch of the FFM+ programme and the informative event sparked in-depth discussions on the partners’ needs, resulting in a growing interest that translates into increased applications for support received. Gabon In April 2023, in collaboration with the Embassy of Gabon in Belgium, the COLEAD team… +COLEAD “Market Insights” webinar series, let’s get started!
- 13/07/2023
- Posted by: Emmanuel Bourcelet
- Category: ACP EN, Corp EN
COLEAD’s “Market Insights” department launched a series of specific webinars on June 27th 2023, aimed at informing partner beneficiaries about market trends. The first workshop (in English) focused on the organic fruit and vegetables market in the EU. Below you can find links to the recording and slides: Recording Slides Full study Save the date for the next (English speaking) webinars ! Wed, October 18th, 2023, 15:00 CEST: “Key factors for launching a successful mango processing business” (English)– Register here… +FFM+ Programme: over 700 requests for support received in one year – 58% from MSMEs
- 13/07/2023
- Posted by: Emmanuel Bourcelet
- Category: ACP EN, Corp EN
Fit For Market+ (FFM+) provides support to the horticultural sector in member countries of the Organisation of African, Caribbean and Pacific States (OACPS). Its aim is to maintain and enhance the capacity of smallholders, farmer groups, and horticultural MSMEs to access national, regional, and international markets through the progressive and sustainable intensification of the horticultural sector, while adapting to changes in their operational environment due to COVID-19 and climate change. As of early July, one year since its operational launch,… +Regional e-meetings on EU phytosanitary legislation, Brexit and more
- 16/12/2020
- Posted by: Emmanuel Bourcelet
- Category: Africa, Benin, Burkina Faso, Burundi, Cape Verde, Comoros, Côte d'Ivoire, Eswatini, Gambia, Ghana, Guinea, Guinea-Bissau, Kenya, Liberia, Madagascar, Malawi, Mali, Mauritius, Niger, Nigeria, Pacific, Rwanda, Senegal, Seychelles, Sierra Leone, Togo, Uganda, Zambia, Zimbabwe
During December, COLEACP began a series of regional e-meetings for National Plant Protection Organisations (NPPOs). The first was held in collaboration with the Common Market for Eastern and Southern Africa (COMESA) on 4 December. It was followed by an e-meeting on 15 December for Economic Community of West African States (ECOWAS) countries. The third session, for Pacific NPPOs, will be on 17 December (in English). The series will continue in 2021, with key topics including (among others) lists of regulated… +COLEACP signs MoU with East African Community
- 11/12/2020
- Posted by: Emmanuel Bourcelet
- Category: Africa, Burundi, Kenya, News, Rwanda, Tanzania, Uganda
COLEACP has signed a Memorandum of Understanding with the East African Community (EAC) to support a competitive and sustainable horticultural sector in the East African Region. The agreement identifies synergies in four key areas of SPS systems: strengthening governance; improving operational processes; managing skills and competencies; and strengthening communication dynamics between relevant stakeholders, particularly to ensure communication between National Plant Protection Organisations (NPPOs) and professional organisations, especially focusing on active involvement of the private sector in the process of strengthening… +COLEACP–ECOWAS Cooperation Agreement
- 11/12/2020
- Posted by: Emmanuel Bourcelet
- Category: Africa, Benin, Burkina Faso, Cape Verde, Côte d'Ivoire, Gambia, Ghana, Guinea, Guinea-Bissau, Liberia, Mali, Mangoes, Niger, Nigeria, Senegal, Sierra Leone, Togo
On 8 December, COLEACP signed a Cooperation Agreement with the Economic Community of West African States (ECOWAS). Mr Alain Sy Traoré, Director of Agriculture and Rural Development of the ECOWAS Commission, said “Within the framework of this Cooperation Agreement, we encourage the continuation of the exchanges initiated between COLEACP and ECOWAS through the Fit For Market SPS and SyRIMAO programmes, which have already made it possible to identify points of synergy between the two projects for the next mango campaign… +News Digest: Agri-food production
- 19/11/2020
- Posted by: Emmanuel Bourcelet
- Category: Bananas, Cucumber, Melons, News, Onions, Pineapples, Tomatoes, Watermelons
AFRICA Climate change increasingly threatens vulnerable Africa A recent report from the World Meteorological Organization states that climate change is having significant impacts in Africa (Commodafrica, 28 October). These impacts are likely to worsen in the future, particularly for food supplies, economies and health. The main risks for agriculture are reduced crop productivity (heat and drought); increased pest and disease damage; and the effects of floods on food system infrastructure. Aerial imagery detects and tracks banana threats New research… +News Digest: Agri-food markets
- 19/11/2020
- Posted by: Emmanuel Bourcelet
- Category: Bananas, Citrus fruits, Mangoes, News
AFRICA UEMOA encourages consumer interest in local products On the occasion of the first “October, month of local consumption” in its eight member states, the West African Economic and Monetary Union (UEMOA) aims to counter the growing disinterest of West African consumers in local products (Commodafrica, 8 October). In a UEMOA market of 120 million consumers, African companies are faced with a growth in imports of food products. Encouraging the consumption of local products must also involve supporting national agriculture… +News Digest: Agri-food policy
- 19/11/2020
- Posted by: Emmanuel Bourcelet
- Category: News
ACP COMESA: Product diversity critical for regional trade Intra-regional trade is being weakened by a lack of product diversity, as most states within the Common Market for Eastern and Southern Africa (COMESA) and the whole of Africa are producing and exporting similar goods (Chronicle, 11 November). COMESA recently expressed concern over the low intra-regional trade among its 21 members, which is estimated at 7%. Details are in a research paper titled “Estimating Comesa’s trade potential in Africa: optimising export opportunities… +USTAKO achieves HACCP certificate
- 12/11/2020
- Posted by: Emmanuel Bourcelet
- Category: Mali, Mangoes, News
Last April, the Unité de Transformation de Fruits et Légumes Tako Sylla (USTAKO), a Malian company exporting dried mangoes, received support from COLEACP’s Fit For Market programme for a review of its food safety management system and capacity building of its technical staff on HACCP principles. This support enabled the company to prepare for the renewal of its HACCP certification, which it obtained in September following the certification audit. Congratulations to USTAKO for obtaining its new certificate.… +