Vert Limited – Working towards a sustainable and inclusive business
- 26/02/2021
- Posted by: Gaetan Dermien
- Category: Kenya, Mangoes, News

During 2020, Kenyan SME Vert Limited received support from COLEACP’s Fit For Market programme to update its policies towards social compliance.
Vert Limited is a Kenya-based, indigenous company specialising in growing and exporting fresh produce, targeted specifically at the European market. The company sells fine vegetables on the export market and has ventured into mango puree and dried mango.
Social compliance has become an important sustainability parameter for consumers. Proof of social welfare in the form of certification has been finding its way upstream in international supply chains, and the horticultural industry is no exception. One commonly requested standard by European importing companies is the Sedex Members Ethical Trade Audit (SMETA), a social auditing methodology that enables businesses to assess their sites and suppliers in order to understand working conditions in their supply chain.
For Vert Limited, benchmarking its social and human resources policy against the SMETA standard demonstrates the management’s commitment to a sustainable and inclusive business.