Digital training on identification and management of false codling moth
- 29/06/2020
- Posted by: Sandra Borma
- Category: Citrus fruits, News, Sierra Leone
No CommentsCOLEACP’s digital training on the identification and management of false codling moth began in Sierra Leone in late June 2020, for participants from both the public sector (NPPO inspectors) and private sector (horticultural producers and exporters). In the first virtual meeting, trainer Mr Samuel Muchemi explained the digital training, and participants introduced themselves and asked questions.… +National workshop for the development of an action plan to strengthen the SPS control system for horticulture products exported to the EU from Zimbabwe
- 10/03/2020
- Posted by: Gaetan Dermien
- Category: News, Zimbabwe
As part of its Fit For Market programme, COLEACP and Zimbabwe’s Plant Quarantine and Plant Protection Services Institute held a workshop in Harare for key public and private actors in horticulture to identify priorities and build a 3-year action plan for compliance with the EU SPS regulations.… +