Flashback 2008 : “The PIP cited as an example of good practice in technical cooperation by WTO and OECD”
- 06/03/2025
- Posted by: Sandra Borma
- Category: News
No CommentsSource PIP Magazine November 2008 “A study was organized jointly by the WTO SPS Committee, Standards and Trade Development Facility (STDF) and the Organisation for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD) Report / September 2008). The research was based on replies from WTO Members and the OECD Development Assistance Committee Contact Points in response to a request for information on good practice in SPS-related technical cooperation. Members were asked to identify one or more SPSrelated technical assistance projects which could be… +Flashback 2006 : To promote self-learning, PIP developed the “Toolbox”. This consists of a computer-based interactive support tool for technical managers to assist them during the implementation of training programmes. It also promotes self-learning for the technical staff themselves.
- 30/01/2025
- Posted by: Sandra Borma
- Category: News
(Source : Pip Magazine n°11, April 2007) “In addition, the Toolbox contains databases covering relevant supporting information. The Toolbox was designed as a CD-ROM, with the aim of providing a solution to the problems that face export companies in accessing important information, while at the same time minimising internet connection problems experienced in most ACP countries. The Toolbox comes in the form of two CD-ROMS. Once they are installed on a computer, they provide access to several sources of information,… +Flashback 2006 : “80% of the experts assigned by the PIP are now local experts”
- 20/12/2024
- Posted by: Sandra Borma
- Category: News
Source : PIP Magazine n° 10, December 2006 “Today, 80% of the services funded by the PIP are provided by ACP consultants, compared to 20% at the programme’s start-up. ACP expertise is thus massively replacing European expertise. This situation enables companies to find economically viable solutions to their problems at the local level and to build the anticipation capacity of stakeholders in the ACP fruit and vegetable sector. The local experts also offer the advantage of being very familiar with… +Flashback 2005 : “Training Knowledge without bounds”
- 29/10/2024
- Posted by: Sandra Borma
- Category: News
Flashback 2005 : “Training Knowledge without bounds” Source PIP Magazine n°8, November 2005 “Training is one of the main priorities of PIP in its capacity-building actions for companies and for the ACP horticultural network as a whole. To date, more than 700 people have participated in collective and in-company training sessions organised by the PIP Training Unit, and 130 consultants in several countries have received a training of trainers . “Knowledge should know no bounds,” declares Edward Ngenga, casting… +Flashback 2005 “ACP Task Force: promoting dialogue between the public sector and private operators”
- 27/09/2024
- Posted by: Sandra Borma
- Category: News
Flashback 2005 “ACP Task Force: promoting dialogue between the public sector and private operators” “To promote dialogue between the public sector and private operators in the fruit and vegetable export sector, PIP provides assistance for the creation of task forces in ACP countries. The task forces are permanent working groups that bring together all those directly concerned by the compliance of fresh fruit and vegetables destined for export, especially public services such as the Ministries of Agriculture and control… +FLASHBACK 2005 : HOW DOES THE PIP (PROGRAMME) TACKLE FOOD SAFETY?
- 08/05/2024
- Posted by: Sandra Borma
- Category: News
FLASHBACK 2005 : HOW DOES THE PIP (PROGRAMME) TACKLE FOOD SAFETY? A member of the European Parliament’s Agriculture Committee, Robert Sturdy (UK, Conservative) has contributed to the development of rules on the food safety of agricultural products placed on the market in the European Union: “We certainly do not want this legislation to be a barrier to trade,” he says. “But I can understand that a farmer in Africa, where regulations and controls are not the same as in… +