Inspiring by example, transforming by action
- 30/08/2024
- Posted by: Sandra Borma
- Category: News
No CommentsInspiring by example, transforming by action COLEAD regularly highlights inspiring people in its activities, in particular to facilitate the exchange of useful experiences on sustainable development and entrepreneurship in the agri-food sector. In the same spirit, and in order to contribute to the dissemination of positive and exemplary information in this field, COLEAD has decided to make these people visible through its various communication channels. That’s why you will regularly find in this newsletter, on our social networks… +Do you know Norbert MONKAM, CEO of AGRO PME in Cameroon?
- 30/08/2024
- Posted by: Sandra Borma
- Category: News
Do you know Norbert MONKAM, CEO of AGRO PME in Cameroon? Norbert Monkam is an agro-economist. He is the founder of AGRO-PME, a Cameroon-based training institute set up in 2002 that stands out for its commitment to rural development and the green economy. Based in two separate centres (Yaoundé and Djombé), AGRO-PME offers a wide range of programmes designed to train skilled professionals and promote the socio-professional integration of young people. Norbert MONKAM was also behind the creation… +Flashback 2004 : “Building the capacity of the horticulture sector’s support structures”
- 29/08/2024
- Posted by: Sandra Borma
- Category: News
Flashback 2004 : “Building the capacity of the horticulture sector’s support structures” (Source : COLEACP PIP magazine n°3, March 2004) “ACP producing/exporting states are generally endowed with considerable local expertise and knowledge in a variety of areas. However, these countries often lack structures which are adequately informed and trained. While it is important to help companies prove their day-to-day control of the production and export process, it is equally important to improve the quality of the support and services… +Dominican Republic moves towards one health system
- 28/08/2024
- Posted by: Sandra Borma
- Category: News
Dominican Republic moves towards one health system The SIA (Sanidad Innovación Agropecuaria) project of the Dominican Republic’s Ministry of Agriculture was launched in April 2024. It is funded by the IDB and implemented by COLEAD. The many meetings and exchanges, that have taken place since our first mission in May, have enabled the first results of the project to be drawn up and presented to the various public stakeholders, including local authorities at the highest level. As a reminder,… +Understanding EU regulatory changes with AGRINFO
- 28/08/2024
- Posted by: Sandra Borma
- Category: News
Understanding EU regulatory changes with AGRINFO The AGRINFO programme was set up to help the EU’s partner countries (listed as low-income, lower-middle income and upper-middle-income economies in the Development Assistance Committee List of ODA Recipients of the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD)), understand and anticipate the impact of changing EU regulations on their agri-food exports to the European market. In practice, AGRINFO provides EU trading partners with clear summaries of the “what, why and when” of recent… +COLEAD Annual Report 2023
- 22/07/2024
- Posted by: Sandra Borma
- Category: News
COLEAD Annual Report 2023 In a global political and economic context that continues to appear threatening, we must count on the continued determination and shared will of the parties involved in COLEAD’s field of action to continue thinking and working together to contribute to the necessary transformation of agri-food systems. The issues at stake and the needs require us to be ambitious and innovative. COLEAD must continue to carry out its mission based on a multiple role, in particular… +COLEAD 2024 General Meeting
- 22/07/2024
- Posted by: Sandra Borma
- Category: News
COLEAD 2024 General Meeting COLEAD’s Annual Ordinary General Meeting (OGM) was held on 27 June 2024 in Rungis, with both face-to-face and distance participation, bringing together members from around twenty countries, including Belgium, Benin, Burkina Faso, Burundi, Chad, Cameroon, Ghana, Ethiopia, France, Haiti, Kenya, Madagascar, Mali, Nigeria, the Democratic Republic of Congo, the UK, Rwanda, Senegal, Togo and Zimbabwe. The event was an opportunity to share the latest news from the association over the past year and the strategic directions… +Understanding the impact of trade-related capacity building interventions
- 19/07/2024
- Posted by: Sandra Borma
- Category: News
Understanding the impact of trade-related capacity building interventions This article presents the findings of a pilot study commissioned by COLEAD in the framework of the FFM+ programme to explore the ‘spillover effects’ of trade-related capacity building interventions over the past two decades aimed at improving the export horticulture value chain in Kenya. Spillovers, understood as unintended impacts of development interventions, have been underexplored in standard project performance matrices. While some work has been done in this area by organizations… +The PAFO-COLEAD Partnership: results of the 2024 satisfaction survey
- 19/07/2024
- Posted by: Sandra Borma
- Category: News
The PAFO-COLEAD Partnership: results of the 2024 satisfaction survey Since 2020, the Pan-African Farmers’ Organization (PAFO) and COLEAD have been working together in a strategic partnership. This collaboration aims to strengthen fair and sustainable business linkages between smallholders, farmer groups, and agri-food Micro-, Small and Medium-sized Enterprises (MSMEs) on the African continent. Together, they are developing joint activities to support the transformation towards sustainable and inclusive food systems in Africa. The primary goals are to promote sustainable and inclusive… +Packaging : alternatives to plastic
- 19/07/2024
- Posted by: Sandra Borma
- Category: News
Packaging : alternatives to plastic The COLEAD Market Insights department keeps an eye through the FFM+ programme, on trends and innovations at major trade shows, and one of the hot topics is sustainable packaging. Forthcoming regulatory changes are driving innovation, as seen at Fruit Logistica (Germany), Macfrut (Italy) and the recent Empack (Belgium). Discover cutting-edge alternatives to plastic such as cellulose, thermobonded packaging, laser-printed labels on produce and waterproof recyclable paper solutions, highlighting the industry’s slow but steady shift… +