Group training on Avocado Fruit Quality Management
- 23/03/2022
- Posted by: Sandra Borma
- Category: ACP EN, News
No CommentsIn February, 19 staff of Kenyan avocado exporters took part in training on commercial fruit quality management, with a focus on good harvest and post-harvest practices. The participants were technical and extension staff responsible for avocado quality control within their companies. The focus on the first day was on best practices in setting up an orchard, avocado growing, and at farm, packhouse and logistical levels. The training incorporated two field visits on the second and third days: one to a… +E-coaching for Equatorial Hortifresh
- 23/03/2022
- Posted by: Sandra Borma
- Category: ACP EN, News
Equatorial Hortifresh Limited (EHL) is based in Eldoret, #Kenya and specialises in the sustainable sourcing and sale of passion fruit. EHL is currently receiving #e-coaching support on the management of human resources, costsand cashflow, among other business-related areas. This follows the successful completion in July 2021 of the online “Business Survival Bootcamp” by the company’s Technical Lead, who also doubles up as the Chief Agronomist. The #Bootcamp provided MSMEs with practical tools to plan and manage the challenges resulting from… +Remote training in HR Performance Management
- 23/03/2022
- Posted by: Sandra Borma
- Category: ACP EN, News
In November 2021, when most Kenyan horticultural MSMEs were planning to conduct performance appraisals for their employees, training on Human Resources Performance Management was organised through the NExT Kenya programme to build the capacity of company directors, senior management staff, HR staff and mid-level managers responsible for conducting performance appraisals. Following the successful completion of the training and an impact evaluation, staff of Equator Kenya Limited who took part in the training described the impact on their current activities: “The… +New Training-of-Trainers in Crop Protection for Kenyan experts
- 16/12/2021
- Posted by: Sandra Borma
- Category: Africa, Kenya, News
Due to the high demand for locally available technical expertise, NExT Kenya has launched a training-of-trainers cycle to build the capacities of a new group of Kenyan experts in COLEACP’s training methodology. The training-of-trainers will focus on learning and communication techniques on crop protection decision-making, scouting, application of control methods, and Field Training Workshops – a specific method to pass on key messages to workers and small-scale farmers. The training consists of preparation through an online learning platform, followed by… +Kenya: Training for extension staff on Bookkeeping/Cost–Benefit Calculations
- 01/10/2021
- Posted by: Sandra Borma
- Category: Africa, Kenya, News
Extension staff of Interveg Ltd undertook the second phase of a training programme on “Bookkeeping and Cost–Benefit Calculations” in July 2021, at their premises in Export Processing Zone (EPZ) Athi River. The focus of this second session was on accounts operation. The first phase of the training was held in April 2021. At the end of the training, the participants are able to: identify production-related expenditures (by type and nature) and revenues of the French bean crop for an average… +Kenya: Digital collective training on GLOBALG.A.P. Standard
- 01/10/2021
- Posted by: Sandra Borma
- Category: Africa, Kenya, News
COLEACP organised a remote training course on “GLOBALG.A.P. Standard (Modalities and Checklist)” for partner companies of the NExT Kenya programme from 26 July to 27 August 2021. The training was directed toward companies/cooperatives that are either in the process of implementing GLOBALG.A.P. standards (a set of standards for Good Agricultural Practices) for the first time or are already managing the standards and need a refresher course for existing staff or training for new staff. The target audience for this four-week… +Kenya: Digital collective training on COVID-19 for SMEs
- 01/10/2021
- Posted by: Sandra Borma
- Category: Africa, Kenya, News
COLEACP organised a remote training course on “COVID-19” for partner companies of the NExT Kenya programme in July 2021. The target audience for this two-week digital training included quality and production managers of Kenyan horticultural SMEs. The training aimed at ensuring that people working throughout the value chain, from the field to the market, are able to work in complete safety in the context of the pandemic, thus allowing them to maintain a sufficient level of food production and affordable… +Kenya: Digital collective training on Food Safety Quality Management System
- 01/10/2021
- Posted by: Sandra Borma
- Category: Africa, Kenya, News
COLEACP organised a remote training course on “Food Safety Quality Management System” for partner companies of the NExT Kenya programme from 26 July to 27 August 2021. The target audience for this four-week digital training included technical staff (quality managers, packhouse managers and internal auditors) in charge of compliance within horticultural production companies and producer groups. The training was directed toward staff in exporters’ associations that assist their member companies with the implementation of food safety standards. At the end… +A MoU signature between KEPHIS and COLEACP under the NExT Kenya programme
- 10/05/2021
- Posted by: Sandra Borma
- Category: Kenya, News
As part of its responsibility to assure the quality of agricultural inputs and produce to prevent adverse impact on the economy, the environment and human health, Kenya Plant Health Inspectorate Service (KEPHIS) on 7 May 2021 signed a MoU with COLEACP under the NExT Kenya Programme. This partnership will help KEPHIS to roll out capacity building towards a risk-based approach to export inspections which takes into consideration the harmful organisms, the performance of the grower/exporter, and the systems approaches to… +