Kenya: Consultative meeting with exporters of beans and peas with pods by the Horticultural Crop Directorate (HCD)
- 20/07/2022
- Posted by: Sandra Borma
- Category: Kenya, News
No CommentsKenya is a major exporter of horticultural produce to the European Union (EU) which constitutes 80% of total exports. The total value of horticultural exports reached 157.7 billion Kenya shillings (KSh) in 2021. Kenya’s beans and peas with pods have, over the years, enjoyed a sizeable market share in the EU. However, this is threatened by the numerous notifications that Kenya has been receiving of late. There is need for more engagement with industry players to ensure good quality, safe… +Presentation of the findings of an EU trade visit, and the outcome of a COLEACP-supported study
- 20/07/2022
- Posted by: Sandra Borma
- Category: Kenya, News
The National Horticulture Taskforce (NHT) of Kenya is a multi-stakeholder interactive and consensus-building forum with representation from public and private sector stakeholders in the horticulture sub-sector, promoting private-public sector dialogue. The major goal being to assure Kenya’s horticultural produce complies with market requirements and sustains its reputation as a leading grower and exporter of horticultural produce. The taskforce is involved in activities such as: capacity building; accreditation of business support facilities; awareness creation; development of common strategies; risk assessment; adoption… +KS1758 Certification Awards to farms via the Retail Trade Association of Kenya (RETRAK)
- 20/07/2022
- Posted by: Sandra Borma
- Category: Kenya, News
The Retail Trade Association of Kenya (RETRAK) supported by the Rockefeller Foundation, working with Horticultural Crop Directorate (HCD), the Standards Projects Committee and agriculture sector industry players, has been running KS1758 – Part 2: Implementation Project, with a focus on fruits and vegetables. It is expected that adoption of Kenya Bureau of Standards (KEBS) standard KS1758 will enhance food safety and food quality and facilitate sustainable market access for the Kenyan domestic market. Additionally, the standard will promote good agricultural… +Study tour to Kenya by Somalia’s competent authorities
- 13/07/2022
- Posted by: Sandra Borma
- Category: Kenya, News
In the last week of May, Kenya hosted a study tour by the Somalian competent authorities – the Somali Bureau of Standards (SOBS) and the Somali Agricultural Regulatory and Inspection Services (SARIS), part of the Ministry of Agriculture & Irrigation (MoA). They visited the Kenya Bureau of Standards (KEBS) and the Kenya Plant Health Inspectorate Service (KEPHIS) among other key stakeholders in the country – the Fresh Produce Exporters Association of Kenya (FPEAK), Pest Control Products Board (PCPB), Bureau Veritas… +NExT Kenya study on bottlenecks in the horticultural sector is supported by evidence from recent NHT mission
- 13/07/2022
- Posted by: Sandra Borma
- Category: Kenya, News
On 5 July, at a meeting with representatives of Kenya’s horticultural public and private sectors, Dr Kedera, NExT Kenya programme coordinator, presented the results of a study on the bottlenecks affecting the competitiveness of Kenyan horticultural exports. These results are the fruit of more than a year’s work, which involved local consultants, multiple exchanges with stakeholders in Kenya and Europe and the competent authorities, as well as methodological and coordination work by COLEACP’s Markets Insights department. What did the study… +Collective distance training on “Crop Protection” addressed to producers/supervisors
- 30/06/2022
- Posted by: Sandra Borma
- Category: ACP EN
In April 2022, COLEACP has improved two new training programs on “Crop Protection” to help workers in charge of crop protection decision making and the implementation of functional pest and disease monitoring programmes to make well-considered decisions and adopt good practices. Participants are invited to join the training session entitled “Crop Protection & Strategy” to be able to make the appropriate crop protection decisions considering thresholds, feasibility, registered products and production system. Afterwards, participants will have the opportunity to attend… +GLOBALG.A.P. remote training for Kenyan MSMEs
- 13/04/2022
- Posted by: Sandra Borma
- Category: Kenya, News
Through the NExT Kenya programme, COLEACP has been providing training for Kenyan companies on the GLOBALG.A.P. Standard (Modalities and Checklists). By the end of 2021, about 16 Kenyan participants from nine horticultural companies had successfully completed the training. A representative of one participating company, Elmas Greens Limited, says: “The company situation has changed and the GlobalG.A.P. standard is a gateway to the EU market, hence training on GlobalG.A.P. standards is under way for more staff involved in food safety.” Over… +Kenya: Human resources support for Interveg
- 12/04/2022
- Posted by: Sandra Borma
- Category: ACP EN
Interveg EPZ Ltd is a Kenyan company, established in 2005, that exports vegetables to the European Union. The company’s packing facilities are located at the Export Processing Zone (EPZ) in Athi River, Kenya. Following participation in our Performance Management training in July 2021, one of the company’s directors realised that Interveg faces challenges and gaps in terms of human resources (HR) policy. As a follow up, the director met the NExT Kenya programme unit at COLEACP’s Nairobi office. An individual… +Training for Kenyan experts in Digital Learning Tools
- 24/03/2022
- Posted by: Sandra Borma
- Category: ACP EN, News
In March and April, 13 Kenyan experts have been taking part in training on Digital Learning Tools, provided through the NExT Kenya programe. The training is delivered through short live sessions and self-paced learning on COLEACP’s e-learning platform. The participants have diverse expertise in areas including food safety, commercial negotiation, human resource management, GLOBALG.A.P. standards, social standards, and crop protection, and are all involved in providing digital training. This training is implemented by COLEACP through the NExT Kenya (New Export… +NExT Kenya: Claims handling training
- 23/03/2022
- Posted by: Sandra Borma
- Category: ACP EN, News
Staff of Kenyan companies have been taking part in training on claims handling, provided through the NExT Kenya programe. The aim is to build the capacity of company managers and staff in charge of trade negotiations and customer contracts , within small and medium-sized horticultural exporting companies (SMEs). Also taking part will be staff of the Fresh Produce Consortium of Kenya, who assist the association’s members in dealing with claims. Up to 16 staff from 10 different organisations took part.… +