NExT Kenya: 131 projects to improve horticultural exports
- 11/10/2023
- Posted by: Sandra Borma
- Category: Corp EN, News
No CommentsSince the operational launch of the NExT Kenya programme, COLEAD has received 188 applications for support. Of these, 131 were transformed into development projects, 40% of which were tailor-made support projects. In Year 4 of NExT Kenya (1 January to 19 September 2023), 36 applications were received and analysed. The vast majority of the programme’s partner-beneficiaries are horticultural micro, small and medium enterprises (MSMEs; 52% of the memorandums of understanding signed), followed by consultancy firms and certification bodies (31%). Other… +Kenya: Media training and coaching for the CEOs of three key business membership organisations in the Kenyan horticultural sector
- 03/10/2023
- Posted by: Sandra Borma
- Category: Corp EN
COLEAD recently held a media training session and coaching for CEO’s and communication leads of three business membership organisations such as Kenya Flower Council (KFC); Fresh Produce Exporters Association of Kenya (FPEAK) and Fresh Produce Consortium of Kenya (FPCK). This training comes against a background of increased demand for effective communication for stakeholder engagement, nationally, regionally, and globally. Indeed, in the past few years, communication has become a major issue for all the horticulture stakeholders at the national and international… +COLEAD’s NExT Kenya programme is bearing fruit
- 07/06/2023
- Posted by: Sandra Borma
- Category: Corp EN, Kenya, News
In a series of recent activities and events, COLEAD’s NExT Kenya programme has focused on enhancing Kenya’s bean and pea sector, resolving commercial disputes, providing training on industry standards, conducting energy assessments, and improving communication between stakeholders. These initiatives are expected to foster sustainable growth and enable Kenya to regain its position as a leading exporter in the sector. Recent activities include: Steering committee meeting on the good practice guide for beans and peas. Meeting participants discussed the development of… +Kenya: Improving KEPHIS communication and relationship dynamics with various stakeholders
- 20/02/2023
- Posted by: Sandra Borma
- Category: Kenya
Consistent and regular communication of official government information and international SPS requirements is a challenge to many agencies. There is therefore a need to ensure proactive, transparent and effective communication with stakeholders on market requirements and risks. Communication is key for a National Plant Protection Organisation (NPPO): the Kenya Plant Health Inspectorate Service (KEPHIS) needs to communicate with agricultural industry players, government agencies/departments and donors. Communication can be informative but can also be used for specific targets to relay information… +Kenya: Energy assessments and audit for WAMU Investments Ltd
- 20/02/2023
- Posted by: Sandra Borma
- Category: Kenya
To reduce energy use and environmental emissions, growers need to understand where their energy is being used. Soaring energy costs continue to put growers under pressure and much of the agri-food supply chain is being heavily impacted by unprecedented price increases. Energy has always been important to growers – as they strive to reduce costs and protect their profits, finding ways to improve their energy efficiency remains a priority. Sustainable agriculture, which includes energy efficiency, can help to ensure economic,… +Kenyan floriculture industry welcomes Ethiopian delegation to discuss false codling moth management
- 13/01/2023
- Posted by: Sandra Borma
- Category: Ethiopia, Kenya
This week (8–13 January 2023), a delegation from the Ethiopian public and private sector are in Kenya as part of an expert mission on false codling moth (FCM) management. The visiting delegation is composed of technical and management staff from the Ethiopian Agricultural Authority (EAA) and the Ethiopian Horticulture Producer Exporters Association (EHPEA). The FCM is classified a priority quarantine pest in the EU, one of Ethiopia’s main export destinations. To address the FCM challenge, various consultations were held between… +Kenya: Support for the 2022 Fruit, Vegetables & Herbs Conference
- 20/12/2022
- Posted by: Sandra Borma
- Category: Kenya, News
The 2022 Fruits, Vegetables & Herbs Conference and Exhibition took place in November 2022 at the Safari Park Hotel, Nairobi. The theme for this year’s conference was “Enhancing Productivity, Quality, Food Safety, and Market Access for Fruits, Vegetables & Herbs”. The main objective of the conference was to bring together stakeholders (both public and private) in the fruit, vegetables and herbs subsector to discuss challenges and opportunities, with an emphasis on promoting the competitiveness of Kenya’s fresh fruits, vegetables and… +Kenya: Crop protection strategy training
- 14/10/2022
- Posted by: Sandra Borma
- Category: Kenya
The NExT Kenya programme organised a crop protection strategy training on 4–7 October 2022. The target audience for this 4-day training programme was technical managers, quality managers, extension staff, agronomists (production managers) and crop protection managers from horticultural production companies. Aimed at developing the participant’s knowledge of the principles of crop protection strategies, the training was attended by 12 participants from various Kenyan horticulture #MSMEs. A practical field study on #scouting, #identification and #management of pests at Real IPM in… +Kenya: Packhouse optimisation training
- 14/10/2022
- Posted by: Sandra Borma
- Category: Kenya
The NExT Kenya programme is helding a Packhouse optimisation training for managers responsible for packhouse management, and other company personnel involved in the packing of fresh fruit and vegetable. Fourteen participants from ten different horticulture companies are participating in 4 days of classroom training which also features a practical visit to a packhouse. The training will be followed by on-site coaching for each company to improve their packhouse processes. Experts will provide advice on how to implement points for any… +BIOFACH 2022: How the training on “Preparing and attending a trade fair” has helped companies to get ready for the fair
- 12/09/2022
- Posted by: Sandra Borma
- Category: ACP EN, News
BIOFACH has been very fruitful for ACP horticultural companies. Directors and commercial managers were provided with a 2-week-long training programme to be ready to attend the fair. They were very satisfied with the knowledge gained during the training as it greatly helped with their preparation. Participant testimonials: “The trainer helped me to identify the correct potential clients. I am also using the business contact sheet to make a good follow up with the clients I met”. “The training materials is… +