Benin: Recycling waste as part of the pineapple industry’s agroecological transition
- 11/10/2023
- Posted by: Sandra Borma
- Category: Benin, Corp EN, News
No CommentsOn 13 July 2023, COLEAD led a presentation session on pineapple waste recovery solutions in Allada, Benin, for DEFIA’s partner clusters. The event brought together 14 participants from 12 organisations. The session focused on a mapping of local solutions for recovering production waste and co-products from the fruit and vegetable sectors. The mapping also included an assessment of the volumes and types of co-products/waste generated by each cluster. As a result of this work, the mapping team was able to… +Collective training on cultivation methods for banana production for FEPAF Basse Guinea
- 01/10/2023
- Posted by: Sandra Borma
- Category: News
The Fit for Market Plus programme recently organised a five-day collective training session on “Mastering the main cultivation techniques for banana production (soil preparation-fertilisation-plant protection)” in Kindia, from 11 to 15 September 2023 at the headquarters of the Lower Guinea Fruit Growers’ Federation (FEPAF-BG). The aim was to build the skills and capacities of the federation’s members and technical staff, namely growers, agricultural technicians and advisors, production managers from member cooperatives, managers from certain cooperatives and a representative from the… +COLEAD’s support to agrifood stakeholders to reduce food loss and waste
- 29/09/2023
- Posted by: Sandra Borma
- Category: Corp EN
The 2023 International Day of Awareness of Food Loss and Waste (#IDAFLW) is a call for all to reduce food loss and waste (FLW). While 74 kg of food is being wasted on average per person each year worldwide (UNEP, 2021), food production is increasingly being impeded and food security endangered in times of economic, environmental and geopolitical crises. It is estimated that 13 percent of the world’s food production for human consumption is lost (discarded, incinerated or otherwise disposed)… +PAFO-COLEAD Innovations Session 14: Climate-resilient practices and innovations in agri-food SMEs
- 16/08/2023
- Posted by: Sandra Borma
- Category: Corp EN
The next Innovations Session n°14 will focus on Climate-resilient practices and innovations by agrifood SMEs and will be held online on Wednesday 30 August 2023, 12:00-14:00 UTC. Find out more in the programme and join the discussion (available in English, French and Portuguese) led by the Pan-African Farmers’ Organization (PAFO) and the COLEAD by registering here. During this Innovations Session n°14, agrifood farmers and entrepreneurs will present climate-resilient practices and innovations that they have developed to support the sustainability of… +Madagascar: Assessment of SAHANALA’s quality management system and FSSC 22000 standard’ s training
- 16/08/2023
- Posted by: Sandra Borma
- Category: Corp EN, News
To address the increasing request for dried ginger and improve current practices, SAHANALA has received support from COLEAD as part of its Fit for Market SPS programme. The aim was to establish a sanitary quality management system to obtain Food Safety System Certification (FSSC) 22000 certification for ginger processing. The FSSC 22000 standard provides a certification model that ensures food safety standards and processes throughout the food supply chain. The first step of the mission, overseen by an expert from… +World Youth Skills Day: the Caribbean ecosystem supporting youth entrepreneurship
- 15/07/2023
- Posted by: Sandra Borma
- Category: ACP EN, Corp EN
World Youth Skills Day focuses on the strategic importance of equipping youth with skills for employment, decent work, and entrepreneurship. Youth play a central role in the agricultural value chain, however youth-specific support systems must be in place to enable their success. This calls on an entrepreneurial ecosystem that attracts young entrepreneurs and understands their needs. To continue this discussion, the IICA-COLEAD Caribbean Agrifood Business series held its ninth session focusing on Successes from innovative youth-led businesses/SMEs in the agrifood… +2022 COLEAD Annual Report: “Agricultural production and trade play a crucial role in achieving the Sustainable Development Goals”
- 13/07/2023
- Posted by: Sandra Borma
- Category: ACP EN, Corp EN
2022 has been a year of transformation for our association: new name, new statutory purpose, and the launch of new programmes which expanded the sectoral and geographical scope of the association’s activities. The process of changing our organisation’s name was initiated two years ago in a context of continuous evolution of COLEAD’s scope of action and that of its partners. The choice of COLEAD – Committee Linking Entrepreneurship-Agriculture-Development is the result of a participatory and iterative approach carried out with… +Informative session for Mauritian stakeholders
- 09/06/2023
- Posted by: Sandra Borma
- Category: Corp EN, News
COLEAD organised an informative session for Mauritian stakeholders to present its Fit For Market Plus (FFM+) and AGRINFO programmes on 17 May, with the active support of the Mauritius Chamber of Agriculture. The session began with a presentation by the European Union delegations to Mauritius and Seychelles on the importance of transitioning the Mauritian agricultural sector to a more sustainable and resilient model, which is currently underway in Mauritius. There is an urgent need to accelerate this transition through investment… +Collective training on sustainable production systems in Benin
- 27/05/2023
- Posted by: Sandra Borma
- Category: Benin, Corp EN, News
A collective training focused on “Sustainable Production Systems” took place from May 15 to 17 2023 in Allada, Benin, benefiting DEFIA’s partner clusters. Eleven participants from 11 organisations participated in this training. The main objective of the training was to present participants with a variety of “systems” that allow for an optimal balance between sufficient production, economic profitability, social acceptability, and equity, while preserving the environment. The topics covered included soil fertility restoration, biodiversity preservation, and increasing the resilience of… +Boosting intra-Africa trade: the agricultural midstream in the value chain – FFM+ in action at AASW8 side events
- 23/05/2023
- Posted by: Sandra Borma
- Category: ACP EN, Corp EN, News
As the link between the primary production of crops and the final stage of consumption, the agricultural midstream sector has a great potential to drive intra-African trade. It includes the processing, storage, and transportation of agricultural products, and it plays a crucial role in improving their quality, and making them marketable. This also contributes to reducing post-harvest losses. At the same time, intra-Africa trade has long been recognized as a crucial driver of economic growth and development for the continent.… +