The 19th September 2019, COLEACP will held an industry stakeholder workshop in Nairobi.

On this occasion, COLEACP will provide an update of support activities conducted in Kenya since the start of its “Fit for Market” programmes in 2016-2017, as well as information on a potential new intervention programme through the EU Delegation to be designed specifically for the Kenyan horticultural industry. It will thus be a strategic moment in time to ensure that any current and future support activities are fully aligned with the challenges as well as the opportunities for the Kenyan horticultural industry. Finally, the meeting will also be the opportunity to present the latest findings from a recent market study conducted by COLEACP with a strong focus on fruit and vegetable intra and inter regional trade in Sub-Saharan Africa.

COLEACP’s Regional Programmes Manager, General Delegate as well as Kenyan directors of the Board Karim Dostmohamed (CEO Frigoken) and Apollo Owuor (Chairman of FPEAK) will attend the workshop.