Implementing an internal audit system
- 03/06/2020
- Posted by: Sandra Borma
- Category: News, Sierra Leone
No CommentsCOLEACP’s digital training on the identification and management of false codling moth began in Sierra Leone in late June 2020, for participants from both the public sector (NPPO inspectors) and private sector (horticultural producers and exporters). In the first virtual meeting, trainer Mr Samuel Muchemi explained the digital training, and participants introduced themselves and asked questions.… +West African mango blockchain – Making supply chains more resilient
- 25/05/2020
- Posted by: Gaetan Dermien
- Category: Côte d'Ivoire, Mangoes, News
COLEACP has been working with Société Internationale d’Importation (SIIM) and Belgian start-up BlockO to develop MangoBlockchain, currently in beta version – a tool that is especially relevant in the context of the COVID-19 pandemic, where the resilience of supply chains depends on trust and transparency (Commodafrica, 19 May). A first for the region, MangoBlockchain will contribute to the professionalisation of the West African mango sector, which in recent years has experienced too many interceptions on arrival on the European market.… +Enhancing kenyan horticultural exports: COLEACP’s new EU programme
- 15/05/2020
- Posted by: Gaetan Dermien
- Category: Kenya, News
COLEACP’s new Nairobi-based programme, signed on 30 April, aims to increase the resilience, inclusiveness and sustainability of Kenyan horticultural value chains. The four-year, €5 million programme financed by the European Union through the EU delegation in Kenya, will aim to secure a lasting improvement in the capacity of all stakeholders in the Kenyan horticultural sector to adapt to evolving sanitary and phytosanitary (SPS), commercial, social and environmental requirements on local, regional and international markets. Implemented by a programme management unit… +B2B networking in the Pacific region
- 14/05/2020
- Posted by: Gaetan Dermien
- Category: Fiji, News, Pacific
At the Joint ACP-EU Private Sector Development Information, Knowledge Sharing and Networking event for the Pacific region in December, COLEACP participated in a B2B session for Fijian producers and export companies. The event, organised with the technical support of the Pacific Islands Forum Secretariat and the Pacific Islands Private Sector Organisation (PIPSO), brings together the implementation agencies of ACP/EU financing facilities and private sector development programmes on one hand, and ACP private sector stakeholders on the other. … +Workshop on strengthening training services
- 07/05/2020
- Posted by: Sandra Borma
- Category: News, Zimbabwe
Through de means of videoconferencing, Zimbabwe Farmers Union participated successfully to a Workshop on strengthening training services for their members.… +Important information regarding non-renewal of plant protection product approvals
- 05/05/2020
- Posted by: Gaetan Dermien
- Category: Africa, Caribbean, News, Pacific
This news info provides an on regulatory changes concerning plant protection products The European Commission (EC) has recently issued notifications of the non-renewal of approval under EU regulations of 4 key plant protection products: thiacloprid, beta-cyfluthrin, fenamiphos and mancozeb. MRL CHANGES FOLLOWING NON-RENEWAL OF THESE ACTIVE SUBSTANCES Following non-renewal of EU authorizations, the maximum residue levels (MRLs) are generally lowered to the limit of determination (LOD): 0.01 mg/kg. In most cases this will mean that these substances can no longer… +Desert Locust situation
- 05/05/2020
- Posted by: Gaetan Dermien
- Category: Africa, News
As we all focus on COVID-19, it’s important not to lose sight of other critical issues facing the sector. Of particular concern is the locust crisis in Africa; the forecast is worrying and FAO warns that the impact on food security in the next few months could be devastating. According to the FAO Locust Watch update, the situation in the Horn of Africa remains extremely serious. In Kenya, a new generation of locusts is developing. More eggs will hatch and… +First digital training in Ghana
- 24/04/2020
- Posted by: Sandra Borma
- Category: Ghana, News
Due to COVID-19, we have moved forward to digital training. Coleacp trainers SARPONG Mark and ADDY Kenneth introduced the first digital training in Ghana, on integrated management for fruit fly control for fresh export technical managers. Trainees followed online courses and did exercises to put their knowledge into practice. Discussions on Zoom platform about each topic enabled a Q/A session and interaction among participants; Trainees reinforced their knowledge on recognizing #mango damage and completing phytosanitary certificates. Both trainers and trainees… +Focus on the global flower industry
- 24/04/2020
- Posted by: Gaetan Dermien
- Category: News
PROVIDED BY UNION FLEURS – INTERNATIONAL FLOWER TRADE ASSOCIATION (WWW.UNIONFLEURS.ORG) European market Since mid-April, activity is gradually restarting on the European market with garden centres having opened again in some EU countries (Belgium, Austria, the whole of Germany). It provides some breathing space for the sector, but some major markets are still mostly locked down (e.g. France, United Kingdom, Switzerland). The overall market activity (both volumes and prices) in the EU is in any case nowhere close to what it… +COLEACP launches new Digital Distance Training
- 24/04/2020
- Posted by: Gaetan Dermien
- Category: Africa, Caribbean, News, Pacific
COLEACP is moving from face-to-face training to digital training in the context of COVID-19. To comply with precautionary measures related to COVID-19, for the time being COLEACP has cancelled the organization of group training sessions. As an alternative, digital distance training is the best solution. Digital distance learning cannot entirely replace face-to-face training. However, methods and technologies are now available to achieve a highly satisfactory quality of training. COLEACP has already moved ahead with the launch of Digital Distance Training… +