International Women’s Rights Day 2021
- 08/03/2021
- Posted by: Gaetan Dermien
- Category: Africa, Caribbean, News, Pacific
No CommentsCelebrate with PAFO and COLEACP women innovations in the agrifood sector! Women still face too many challenges in finding jobs in the formal economy or starting and developing businesses, due to insufficient conducive policies and normslow rates of land ownership, as well as access and control over resources and limited access to credit. However, women are a significant entrepreneurial force as owners of farms, input supply stores, service delivery businesses, and processing and export firms whose contributions to local, national,… +Awareness-raising for operators in the pepper sector
- 03/03/2021
- Posted by: Sandra Borma
- Category: Cameroon, News
As part of COLEACP’s STDF-funded project to improve the SPS quality of Penja pepper in Cameroon to facilitate access to international markets, the project’s national coordinator has been organising last week awareness-raising meetings in the different production basins. These meetings aimed to inform the different actors (producers, nursery, etc.) about past and future activities. Many training sessions are planned to train these operators on good SPS practices for the production and processing of Penja pepper. Awareness-raising sessions are organised throughout… +AGROSEAL LTD (Ghana) – implementation of a quality management system
- 27/02/2021
- Posted by: Sandra Borma
- Category: Ghana, News
AGROSEAL LTD is currently receiving COLEACP Fit For Market support to implement a quality management system that complies with national and international requirements. This collaboration includes capacity building and support for the Agroseal team to develop a procedures manual. Agroseal is a Ghanaian agricultural trading company with a focus on fresh fruits and vegetables (pineapple, orange, okra, mango, etc.), which aims to empower smallholder farmers through innovation and technology to gain reliable access to higher-end markets, increasing incomes and reducing… +Uganda: Agricado Farms gains certification
- 27/02/2021
- Posted by: Sandra Borma
- Category: News, Uganda
Agricado Farms’ 1-year action plan leads to GLOBALG.A.P. certification A year’s effort by the Agricado Farms team in collaboration with COLEACP’s Fit For Market programme has resulted in the company’s achievement of GLOBALG.A.P. certification (Option 1 – Single Producer Certification). Confirmed following an audit in January 2021, this certification will have a major positive effect on the company’s ability to access international high-end markets. Agricado Farms Uganda Ltd is a new fresh fruit and vegetable company located in Kampala, Uganda.… +Vert Limited – Working towards a sustainable and inclusive business
- 26/02/2021
- Posted by: Gaetan Dermien
- Category: Kenya, Mangoes, News
During 2020, Kenyan SME Vert Limited received support from COLEACP’s Fit For Market programme to update its policies towards social compliance. Vert Limited is a Kenya-based, indigenous company specialising in growing and exporting fresh produce, targeted specifically at the European market. The company sells fine vegetables on the export market and has ventured into mango puree and dried mango. Social compliance has become an important sustainability parameter for consumers. Proof of social welfare in the form of certification has been… +Study in CEMAC on procedures for inspection and control of the entry, sale and use of pesticides
- 25/02/2021
- Posted by: Sandra Borma
- Category: Cameroon, News
A diagnostic study on inspection and control procedures for the entry, sale and use of pesticides is currently under way in the Economic and Monetary Community of Central Africa (CEMAC). Implemented under COLEACP’s Fit for Market SPS programme, the study was initiated by a request from CEMAC’s Comité Inter-Etats des Pesticides de l’Afrique Centrale (CPAC), which coordinates the management of pesticides within CEMAC. The study will involve defining an action plan for the six CEMAC States, which should contribute to… +Brexit tools: Importing from and re-exporting UK goods to the EU
- 22/02/2021
- Posted by: Gaetan Dermien
- Category: News
The UK Government has provided these useful tools to help importers and exporters negotiate the steps for importing from, and re-exporting UK goods to the European Union: Flowchart diagram (pdf) Step-by-step process Rules of Origin presentation form: Defra_EU_Rules_of_Origin_Business_Guidance_Presentation.pdf ( Rules of Origin business guidance documents: Defra_EU_Rules_of_Origin_Business_Guidance.pdf ( Sector specific guidance focused on the most relevant Rules of Origin articles and with industry specific examples: EU_RoO_Sector_Guidance_All_Sectors.pdf (… +COLEACP’s new training in performance management for horticultural SMEs
- 18/02/2021
- Posted by: Sandra Borma
- Category: Chillies, Kenya, News
COLEACP has been providing training in performance management, effective communication and lean management principles for the senior managers of AAA Growers, one of Kenya’s leading exporters of premium and prepared vegetables and the country’s largest commercial grower and exporter of chillies. “For a firm, nothing can give more satisfaction than seeing your customers delighted, which can be due to the satisfaction they derive from the product or the customer service. To achieve this, the issues and concerns of the customers… +Dominican Republic – webinar 2 co-organised by COLEACP and JAD
- 18/02/2021
- Posted by: Sandra Borma
- Category: Dominican Republic, News
In collaboration with the Dominican Agroenterprise Board (Junta Agroempresarial Dominicana, JAD), COLEACP is organising a series of webinars on market access for processed products in the pineapple, mango and avocado sectors. These are part of the CALIFRUP project “Quality enhancement for the development of MSMEs in the processed fruit value chain”, which aims to support the strategy of value chain development and, specifically, to strengthen the processed fruit value chain. The second webinar, on 17 February, focused on regulatory and… +News digest: Policy
- 17/02/2021
- Posted by: Gaetan Dermien
- Category: Africa, Caribbean, News, Pacific
GLOBAL UNEP Adaptation Gap Report focuses on nature-based solutions Capping a year that was one of the three warmest on record, the UN Environment Programme (UNEP) has released its fifth Adaptation Gap Report, finding that although many nations have advanced in adaptation planning, developing countries face a significant gap in adaptation finance (IISD, 25 January). The report places special focus on nature-based solutions that promote protection, sustainable management and restoration of ecosystems. It finds that nature-based solutions must receive significantly… +