COLEACP training – Improving SPS practices along the whole Penja pepper value chain
- 16/09/2021
- Posted by: Gaetan Dermien
- Category: Africa, Cameroon
No CommentsSince June, training on good SPS practices for the Penja pepper sector has been continuing through the Standards and Trade Development Facility (STDF) project “Strengthening the phytosanitary monitoring and certification system for Cameroon’s fruit and vegetable sector”. Stricter European regulations since 2016 threatened to limit the export potential of Penja pepper, a unique agricultural product originating from Cameroon. This project centres on supporting Penja pepper producers to understand the SPS risks and strengthening their capacity to deal with them. The… +Six new Good Practice Guides – Updates
- 16/09/2021
- Posted by: Sandra Borma
- Category: Africa, Benin, Guinea, Kenya, Togo, Uganda
During 2021 COLEACP is providing a team of expert consultants to support national/regional initiatives to develop Good Practice Guides for horticultural value chains. These Guides are being developed, disseminated and kept up to date by stakeholders within each value chain. They are not COLEACP publications – they are written, owned and published by the professionals, within each country/region and crop sector, who will inform and use them. Stakeholders in the sector who take on this task receive practical support throughout… +Getting the most out of trade fairs: New training offer and publications
- 16/09/2021
- Posted by: Sandra Borma
- Category: Africa, Caribbean, News, Pacific
One of the main challenges for ACP exporters is finding the right buyers. Many European businesses use trade fairs to manage their relations and show their presence on the market, so they are ideal places to meet with various importers. They also offer great opportunities to find information on your target market(s) and present your company directly to your potential customers. You will probably find a large concentration of relevant prospects in one place. But participating in trade shows will… +Suriname – Training for results
- 16/09/2021
- Posted by: Sandra Borma
- Category: Caribbean
Participants in COLEACP’s training on Implementation of Official Controls in Suriname reported that it was a truly enjoyable and successful learning journey together. A happy bunch of 19 employees of the Ministry of Agriculture were given a practically oriented training course, in Dutch, in August/September 2021. The training focused on the importance of International Standards for Phytosanitary Measures (ISPMs) in relation to the Ministry’s mandate to effectively carry out phytosanitary controls and inspections; the types of official controls; and the… +Congratulations to ColdHubs and all the winners of “Best Small Business: Good Food for All”
- 16/09/2021
- Posted by: Sandra Borma
- Category: Africa, Nigeria
This year’s UN Food Systems Summit (UNFSS2021) launched a competition to recognise the importance of (SMEs) to the future of food and to acknowledge that small businesses are too rarely heard on the international stage. The Best Small Business: Good Food for All competition selected 50 winning SMEs – from cafes through farmer cooperatives to digital start-ups – from nearly 2,000 applications from 135 countries. The winners and share US$100,000 in cash prizes. Their stories and impactful work is presented… +IICA-COLEACP Caribbean Agrifood Business Series
- 15/09/2021
- Posted by: Sandra Borma
- Category: Caribbean
4–8 October 2021 is the Caribbean Week of Agriculture. To celebrate, the Inter-American Institute for Cooperation on Agriculture (IICA) and COLEACP are presenting the third Caribbean Agrifood Business session on Thursday 7 October, 10h00-12h00 EST. The theme will be “Post-Covid-19: Building stronger links between agriculture and tourism – the key role of SMEs and businesses”. You can register here. The online Caribbean Agrifood Business Series focuses on a range of topics including improved production, trade and competitiveness; food safety and… +Bringing together NPPOs throughout the ACP regions
- 15/09/2021
- Posted by: Sandra Borma
- Category: Africa, Caribbean, News, Pacific
During the summer COLEACP has continued to offer group capacity building for ACP National Plant Protection Organisations (NPPOs), providing platforms for representatives of NPPOs to meet one another and share their experiences. Pest surveillance e-learning now in French Following the success of the English version, the first French training session on pest surveillance took place in June on COLEACP’s e-learning platform, followed by a further session in August. Together they reached 33 participants including representatives of the NPPOs of seven… +Launch of OECD-COLEACP Fruit and Vegetables Industry Series
- 15/09/2021
- Posted by: Sandra Borma
- Category: Africa, Caribbean, Pacific
To celebrate the United Nations International Year of Fruit and Vegetables (#IYVF2021), COLEACP is collaborating with the OECD Fruit and Vegetables Scheme, which aims to promote international trade through harmonising the implementation and interpretation of marketing standards. Together the partners have launched the Fruit and Vegetables Industry Series of online sessions to highlight the significance of the sector. The first of the joint sessions, on 14 September, focused on “The fruit and vegetables industry: Market trends and prospects of a… +Zimbabwe: Pineapple smallholders achieve organic certification
- 10/09/2021
- Posted by: Sandra Borma
- Category: Africa, News, Zimbabwe
“The Trust is excited, ZimTrade is thrilled, GreenStone Foods is over the moon whilst COLEACP is looking at building on this success to help the Trust grow. What a journey!” William Zirebwa, COLEACP National Relay Zimbabwe In August 2021, 45 smallholder pineapple farmers in Rusitu Valley, Chipinge, members of the Rusitu Valley Fruit Growers and Marketing Trust (RVFGMT), received a major boost when they achieved organic certification of their pineapples by Ecocert (The Herald, 27 August). The attainment of… +EU approval not renewed for three key PPPs and other changes notified to WTO
- 07/09/2021
- Posted by: Gaetan Dermien
- Category: Africa, Caribbean, Pacific, Uncategorized
Key points Alpha-cypermethrin is no longer approved within the European Union (EU) since 7 June 2021. EU approval was not renewed in 2020 and it also expired in 2021 for two other key plant protection products (PPPs): — mancozeb (since 5 January 2021); and — pencycuron (since 31 May 2021). The EU notified the World Trade Organization (WTO) of its intention not to renew three key PPPs: — indoxacarb (notification: 2 August 2021; open for comments until 1 October 2021);… +