DRC: training supervisors in Bukavu to help producers meet market demands
- 10/04/2024
- Posted by: Sandra Borma
- Category: News
No CommentsDRC: training supervisors in Bukavu to help producers meet market demands As part of its ongoing commitment to promoting excellence and sustainable development within agricultural cooperatives, COLEAD recently organised a training session for supervisors of producer support structures in Bukavu as part of its Fit For Market Plus programme. The initiative, which lasted for two intensive weeks, brought together supervisors and experts from different smallholder support structures with a common goal: to strengthen their pedagogical and technical skills in… +Guinea: good agricultural practices for small potato farmers
- 10/04/2024
- Posted by: Sandra Borma
- Category: News
Guinea: good agricultural practices for small potato farmers In February, COLEAD, through the STDF Guinée programme, organised a training session in Mamou to improve the skills of supervisors and extension workers in disseminating good agricultural practices in potato production. The training focused on the effective use of the “Boîte à Images”, an educational tool to help communicate the key messages of the Good Potato Practice Guide. Particular emphasis was placed on food safety and plant health aspects, emphasising the… +Philippines–EU fisheries trade: EU market access today and tomorrow
- 10/04/2024
- Posted by: Sandra Borma
- Category: News
Philippines–EU fisheries trade: EU market access today and tomorrow On 19 March a timely webinar for the Philippines fish and seafood sector was held just as trade negotiations resumed between the Philippines and the European Union. The webinar, organised by the AGRINFO programme along with the Philippine Embassy in Brussels and the Bureau of Fisheries and Aquatic Resources (BFAR), focused on the the world’s biggest single market for fish and fishery products – the EU market. Pablito Mendoza, Deputy… +Madagascar: a strategic social and environmental plan for companies (rain forest alliance)
- 10/04/2024
- Posted by: Sandra Borma
- Category: News
Madagascar: a strategic social and environmental plan for companies (rain forest alliance) In June 2023, several Madagascan companies active in the lychee sector were informed, at their request, about the Rainforest Alliance (RFA) standard. Specifically, the workshop provided an opportunity to introduce the RFA standard, explain its principles, highlight overlaps with other private standards, provide guidance on the certification process, identify available resources and answer participants’ questions. Following the workshop, a survey was conducted among the participating companies to… +COLEAD national members meetings: Kenya, Ghana and Nigeria lead the way
- 10/04/2024
- Posted by: Sandra Borma
- Category: News
COLEAD national members meetings: Kenya, Ghana and Nigeria lead the way COLEAD is a network of communities that now covers 180 countries. Its members form the core community of the organisation. There are currently 511 members in 48 countries. The success of the 50th anniversary celebrations at the end of last year, both in the countries where the members are based and in connection with the General Delegation, has been followed up. Members now meet on a country-by-country basis… +PFO and COLEAD working together to strengthen the pacific islands agro-processing sector
- 10/04/2024
- Posted by: Sandra Borma
- Category: News
PFO and COLEAD working together to strengthen the pacific islands agro-processing sector The Pacific Farmer Organisations (PFO) and COLEAD are pleased to invite you to the second online meeting in the series of roundtables on “Growing Resilience: Strengthening the agro-processing sector in the Pacific Islands” organised by PFO and COLEAD. The Roundtable will be held in English on Wednesday 24 April 2024, 9:00-10:30am Fiji time (UTC+12). We would like to remind participants from outside the Pacific Islands that due… +Public Consultation Open: Have Your Voice Heard!
- 03/04/2024
- Posted by: Sandra Borma
- Category: News
COLEAD and the Freshfel Environmental Footprint Initiative invite you to participate in the public consultation for the newly developed shadow Product Environmental Footprint Category Rules (PEFCR) for fruits and vegetables. This initiative aims to standardize a cutting-edge environmental footprint methodology for the fresh produce sector. We’re calling on all stakeholders, especially those with expertise in fruits and vegetables, to submit feedback by April 30, 2024. Your insights are crucial to ensuring that the shadow PEFCR truly reflects the needs and… +2024 International Women’s Day: PAFO and COLEAD celebrate women entrepreneurs
- 08/03/2024
- Posted by: Sandra Borma
- Category: News
Women are the main drivers of the global food production (UNDP) and about a third of all global established businesses are women owned and managed (GEM). At the same time, women spend around three times more time on unpaid care work than men (ILO) – a work that is estimated to account for more than 40 per cent of GDP in some countries (ILO). Women face many other challenges that prevent them from contributing to the economy or reduce their… +Developing colead’s training offer for local markets
- 07/03/2024
- Posted by: Sandra Borma
- Category: News
… +Call for experts in Agricultural Research and Innovation Strategy processes
- 05/03/2024
- Posted by: Sandra Borma
- Category: News
The DeSIRA-LIFT project, “Leveraging the DeSIRA initiative for agri-food systems transformation”, aims to catalyse the European Union’s DeSIRA programme current and future activities supporting the Development of Smart Innovation through Research in Agriculture to enhance its impacts. It was launched in June 2021 with funding from the European Commission (DG INTPA) for a duration of 4 years (June 2021–May 2025). COLEAD is the lead of the second service area (with support from the Natural Resources Institute) working closely with African… +