OECD-COLEAD session on the impact of climate change on fruit and vegetables
- 11/05/2023
- Posted by: Sandra Borma
- Category: ACP EN

Climate change is a major concern to the agricultural sector with effects on the quality of fruit and vegetables that could undermine, or reverse progress made in recent decades in terms of food security and safety. In this context, it is key to adapt and find solutions to the challenges linked to climate change to still be able to offer quality and enough food to consumers. The fruit and vegetable industry needs to adapt its methods for food production (from how crops are planted to how fruit and vegetables are grown and harvested), pest and disease management, as well as food processing.
The Impact of climate change on production and quality of fruits and vegetables will be the subject of the 4th session organised by the OECD and the COLEAD within their series on the fruit and vegetable industry. The session will be held on Tuesday 16 May from 10:00-11:30 CET. You can register using the link below:
The first panel will present some findings of recent research on the impact of climate change in the fruit and vegetable sector. It will be followed by private-sector operators from Africa and Europe who will share their experiences, including how they have developed and implemented innovations to cope with climate change effects. More information is available in the programme below:
We are looking forward to welcoming you to the session!