NExT Kenya: 131 projects to improve horticultural exports
- 11/10/2023
- Posted by: Sandra Borma
- Category: Corp EN, News

Since the operational launch of the NExT Kenya programme, COLEAD has received 188 applications for support. Of these, 131 were transformed into development projects, 40% of which were tailor-made support projects. In Year 4 of NExT Kenya (1 January to 19 September 2023), 36 applications were received and analysed.
The vast majority of the programme’s partner-beneficiaries are horticultural micro, small and medium enterprises (MSMEs; 52% of the memorandums of understanding signed), followed by consultancy firms and certification bodies (31%). Other beneficiary partners include public sector stakeholders, professional associations, producer associations/federations, training institutions/laboratories, producer groups and non-governmental organisation (NGOs) or other civil society representatives.
Some examples of recent activities implemented via the NExT Kenya programme as part of development projects are:
Training for trainers of trainers (ToToT) (12–15 September and 18–21 September 2023)
In this activity, 12 Kenyan experts were trained to enhance their teaching, training and coaching skills in the fields of food safety, crop protection, social standards and business management.
BRCGS group training course (5–8 September 2023)
Twenty-four members of staff from horticultural production and export companies were trained on BRCGS food safety issue 9. The training was attended by a wide range of participants, including compliance officers, quality assurance officers, packhouse managers and internal auditors.
Media training and coaching for the CEOs of three key business membership organisations in the Kenyan horticultural sector (10–11 July 2023)
Leaders and communications managers from three trade organisations – the Kenya Flower Council, the Fresh Produce Exporters Association of Kenya and the Fresh Produce Consortium of Kenya – were trained and coached against a backdrop of increased demand for effective stakeholder engagement communications at national, regional and global levels.
COLEAD-ABSA partnership on access to finance (13 September 2023)
COLEAD, in partnership with ABSA Bank Kenya, organised a webinar on access to finance for the bank’s agribusiness and corporate banking team. ABSA bank is one of Kenya’s leading banks and specialises in access to finance for the agricultural sector.
These activities are implemented by COLEAD and supported by the NExT Kenya (New Export Trade) programme, established in collaboration with the EU Delegation in Nairobi and Kenyan stakeholders.
This publication has been produced with the financial support of the EU. Its contents are the sole responsibility of COLEAD and can under no circumstances be regarded as reflecting the position of the EU.