ALL NEWS News from Sri Lanka: AGRINFO Webinar Highlights and Insights Webinar on European Regulations for Madagascar COLEAD's Workshop on Enhancing Plant Protection Skills Access to finance for agripreneurs: getting back to basics FLASHBACK (2004) Launch of the Europe-Africa consortium on research and innovation for the transformation of food systems (CEA FIRST) Africa and the Pacific: concrete, inspiring partnerships Conversion to organic farming through training and coaching Access to the European market: see you at FRUIT LOGISTICA and BIOFACH 2024! Beyond 2025: COLEAD's long-standing partners support the organisation in its mission to contribute to SDGs The DESIRA initiative partnerships for climate justice Digital technology and strategic partnerships for vocational training in sustainable agriculture Workshop on strengthening accounting management for horticultural enterprises in Casamance Quality Control Training of Seed Potatoes as part of the STDF Guinea Project MRLs reduced for two pesticides widely used on fruits and vegetables (oxamyl and indoxacarb) FROM COP 28 TO ON-THE-GROUND REALITY: COLEAD WILL CONTINUE TO BUILD BRIDGES FOR MORE SUSTAINABILITY AND CLIMATE JUSTICE COLEAD takes strides towards Gender Equality with comprehensive action plan COLEAD recommended for ISO 21001 Certification by Tuv Nord certification body COLEAD Consultative Committee 2023: The Association stands at a crossroads for and by innovative entrepreneurs in Africa Have you seen AGRINFO UPDATE – the information service that keeps agribusinesses and public authorities up to date on new... 63 job descriptions listed in a new tool of the COLEAD training system “Access to finance for agripreneurs”: a COLEAD department enabling partner-beneficiaries to reach the maturity required to fund their projects « Previous 1 … 6 7 8 9 10 … 41 Next »