ALL NEWS IFAD, CAADP and COLEAD join forces to address agroecology at the African Fertiliser and Soil Health Summit 2024 COLEAD attends ARSO General Assembly in Abuja, Nigeria Towards future collaboration – WorldVeg and COLEAD sign new MoU Calls for experts: Vocational and Lifelong Learning Systems in African Universities Improving access to finance for agripreneurs - upcoming webinars on plaftorms listing sources of finance (18 June and 2 July) First COLEAD mission to the Dominican Republic as part of the new IDB-funded SIA project eLearning Africa in Kigali: an edition rich in opportunities for collaboration to continuously improve digital learning Corporate governance training for new board members of the Kenya Flower Council (KFC) LECOFRUIT in Madagascar: an example of a responsible company, winner of 2 CSR awards 72nd UNECE Specialized Session on Fruit and Vegetables: new standards and nomenclatures in progress Black bananas, Zuchiolo, seedless lemons, sweet red onions... new AI technology.... The sector is innovating and putting on a show... Participating in consultations on changes to EU agri-food and fisheries legislation: feedback from the webinars held on 28 and 30... 2023 DeSIRA Global Annual Report COLEAD research and advocacy supporting the vanilla sector in the face of changing EU regulations - 150,000 producer families potentially... EU and GB MRL changes in 2024 (January – May 2024) Potential MRLs reduction for thiacloprid, a widely used pesticide on fruits and vegetables FOOD SAFETY IN THE DOMINICAN REPUBLIC: LAUNCH OF THE "SIA" PROJECT WITH THE MINISTRY OF AGRICULTURE AND FUNDING FROM THE... SHOULD FRESH PRODUCE IMPORTS INTO EUROPE BE BANNED? THE FAIRMILES CONSORTIUM IS BROADENING THE DIALOGUE NEEDED FOR GREATER CLIMATE JUSTICE. IICA COLEAD NEXT WEBINAR: OPPORTUNITIES IN LOCAL AND REGIONAL MARKETS FOR CARIBBEAN ENTREPRENEURS AGRIPRENEURS EMPOWERED WITH KEY FINANCIAL KNOWLEDGE ZAMBIA : INNOVATIVE COLEAD-GART PARTNERSHIP TO IMPROVE SOIL FERTILITY AND INCREASE THE ECONOMIC VALUE OF CROPS FLASHBACK 2005 : HOW DOES THE PIP (PROGRAMME) TACKLE FOOD SAFETY? GUINEA STRENGTHENS PHYTOSANITARY CONTROL TO IMPROVE ACCESS TO AGRI-FOOD MARKETS DISCOVER COLEAD'S NEW SELF-PACED COURSE ON BUSINESS PLANNING IN AGRICULTURE « Previous 1 … 3 4 5 6 7 … 41 Next »