Kenya, Vegpro: an example of the successful implementation of an internal training unit


Kenya, Vegpro: an example of the successful implementation of an internal training unit.


Vegpro Kenya, one of the country’s largest horticultural producers and exporters, has made significant progress in strengthening its internal training capacity. As a major producer of fruit, vegetables and flowers and a major employer in the region, Vegpro has long recognised the importance of training and capacity building for food safety, compliance and performance. However, the investment required for external training was a significant challenge.

To address this, COLEAD through its programmes including NExT Kenya, has been actively supporting Vegpro to improve the efficiency of its internal training system and increase training uptake. This collaboration aims to reduce the burden of external training and promote a more sustainable, proactive approach to training within the company.

Assessment and initial training support

From 2020 to 2021, COLEAD supported Vegpro through the Fit for Market programme to assess its training strategy and provide training on how to design a functional training unit. This comprehensive approach included a Training Needs Assessment (TNA) and the development of the building blocks necessary for an effective training unit. It was found that while various managers and supervisors were conducting internal training, few had received formal training on how to deliver effective training.

Developing internal master trainers

Following a thorough review of Vegpro’s training strategy and identification of key human resources, the company’s training team received extensive training in pedagogical skills and training methodology. This initiative resulted in the creation of a team of internal ‘master trainers’ who are able to transfer these skills throughout the organisation.

Training of Trainers (ToT) programme

As part of COLEAD’s EU-funded NExT Kenya programme, a Training of Trainers (ToT) was organised for Vegpro’s Master Trainers in 2022. The main objective was to equip these trainers with the skills to facilitate training sessions and effectively use training tools for different target groups, including managers, technical staff, farm workers, packhouse workers and smallholder producers.

The training built on the previous TNA and Building Block training and focused on COLEAD’s active training methodology:

  • Training for Teaching in Business: strengthening the capacity of Vegpro staff to become internal trainers.
  • Communication skills in groups: strengthening the capacity of trainers to lead groups, conduct structured exercises and master meeting facilitation techniques.
  • Coaching and continuous development

Following the initial ToT and the establishment of a training strategy, it was crucial to coach the new master trainers in organising and facilitating their own ToT sessions within Vegpro. This was done in collaboration with a COLEAD expert. The aim is for these trainers to eventually conduct mini-ToTs for new staff or as needed, thereby improving the effectiveness and efficiency of training and strengthening the company’s human capital and operational quality.

In-company ToT sessions

The in-company training of trainers was conducted in several phases, starting with an introductory TNA session in November 2023, followed by the main ToT sessions in May-June 2024. These sessions aimed to build the technical and pedagogical capacity of the participants, enabling them to deliver in-company training and coach team members on best practices using COLEAD’s Field Training Workshop (FTW) methodology.

Looking ahead

With the completion of these training initiatives, Vegpro Kenya is well positioned to maintain a robust internal training system that supports continuous improvement and sustainability. This collaboration between COLEAD and Vegpro highlights the importance of building internal capacity to support long-term growth and development in the horticultural sector.

COLEAD’s support in building Vegpro Kenya’s internal training unit highlights the critical role of capacity building in achieving sustainable development. By empowering internal trainers and improving training methods, COLEAD through NExT Kenya and Vegpro are working together to create a more resilient and efficient agricultural value chain in Kenya.

This activity is supported by the NExT Kenya (New Export Trade) programme, established in collaboration with the EU Delegation in Nairobi and Kenyan stakeholders. This publication receives financial support from the European Union. The content of this publication is the sole responsibility of COLEAD and can in no way be taken to reflect the views of the European Union