- 30/01/2025
- Posted by: Sandra Borma
- Category: News

COLEAD manages and implements international and local programmes/projects funded by partners. Since 2015, COLEAD has diversified its financial partnerships by becoming more firmly rooted at local level via national programmes that complement multi-country intra-ACP interventions such as Fit For Market. It is in this context and with this rationale of deepening and increasing COLEAD’s action and impact at ‘country’ level that new programmes have recently been signed with the European Union delegations for the Republic of Côte d’Ivoire and Uganda and with ENABEL in Guinea.
Côte d’Ivoire
The overall objective of the Programme d’Appui à la Sécurité des Aliments pour la République de Côte d’Ivoire (PASA-Côte d’Ivoire) entrusted to COLEAD by the EUD in Côte d’Ivoire is to strengthen the contribution of the Ivorian agri-food sector to the economic growth, food security and sustainable development of the Republic of Côte d’Ivoire by improving the competitiveness, resilience, inclusiveness and sustainability of agri-food value chains. The specific objective of PASA-Côte d’Ivoire is, in close collaboration with the relevant Ivorian authorities, to strengthen the capacity of private players in the agri-food sector – with particular emphasis on the two targeted value chains – to manage and control the sanitary and phytosanitary quality of food and to adapt to changing market requirements (regulatory, including SPS, commercial, social and environmental).
The ‘Improving sanitary and phytosanitary standards in horticulture in Uganda (SPS Uganda)’ programme entrusted to CABI for its implementation has the general objective of strengthening the capacity of public and private sector organisations in Uganda to comply with phytosanitary and food safety measures for fresh fruit and vegetable value chains on export markets, in particular the regulatory and commercial requirements of EU phytosanitary and food safety regulations, in order to safeguard consumer health and increase exports to the EU. COLEAD is a co-applicant of the programme and will be involved in activities relating mainly to the following specific objective: To improve production and product handling processes among private sector actors in order to improve the compliance of Uganda’s fruit and vegetable value chains with phytosanitary and food safety regulations and market standards.
The ‘Support for the agro-ecological transition of the pineapple, potato and horticultural value chains in Guinea’ programme entrusted to COLEAD and ICRA by ENABEL has the general objective of helping to improve the incomes of stakeholders in the potato, pineapple and horticultural value chains in the Kindia and Mamou regions, particularly young people and women. The specific objective is to enable Guinean pineapple, horticultural and potato value chain operators to make an inclusive commitment to a gradual transition to agro-ecology, while meeting market requirements.
Stay tuned in the coming weeks for more information and especially on how to access these programmes!