COLEACP information on supply and demand for ACP horticultural products

Building on its intra-ACP Fit For Market programmes, COLEACP’s proposed activities in the short term to mitigate the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic will focus on logistics and access to markets. Activities will include:

  • Monitoring and informing the ACP and EU agri-food industry on logistics, trade and market dynamics.
  • Supporting innovative national and international logistics and trade solutions to help ensure the trade in agricultural and food products – matching supply to demand for available logistical routes; diversifying from export to local/regional markets and from fresh to processed.

The main goal is to mitigate the negative impacts of COVID-19 and national lockdowns on food security and nutrition in ACP countries.

COLEACP’s specific objectives are to:

  • Provide ACP producers/exporters and their professional organisations with constantly updated information on developments in logistics and national, regional, international and European fruit and vegetable markets.
  • Facilitate the marketing of ACP fruit and vegetable production at local, regional and international levels in the COVID-19 context where access is disrupted.

This weekly newsletter is a first initiative in terms of operational information for ACP-EU sectors in the context of COVID-19.

From next week, other actions will follow. Stay tuned!