UK – new flexibility on import certifications
- 10/04/2020
- Posted by: Gaetan Dermien
- Category: Uncategorized
No CommentsIn response to the COVID-19 outbreak, the UK’s Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs (Defra) has announced the following measures to ease trade flows. Certificate of Organic Inspection (COI): Defra has agreed to accept electronic certificates of inspection produced in the online management tool TRACES NT for organic products, in line with EU provisions. Original documents need to be shown to Port Health Authorities once available. Phytosanitary certificates: The UK is aligned with the European Union in terms of… +Certification bodies adapting to the crisis
- 10/04/2020
- Posted by: Gaetan Dermien
- Category: Uncategorized
GLOBALG.A.P. CONSULTATION ON NEW “IFA REMOTE” SOLUTION In addition to the current emergency procedure for certificate extension published on 26 March, GLOBALG.A.P. is developing a new “Integrated Farm Assurance (IFA) Remote” system to meet the growing need for initial certification and re-certification based solely on remote inspections and audits. The solution will apply to all GLOBALG.A.P. standards, and will be available for the duration of the COVID-19 crisis; however, it probably will not be Global Food Safety Initiative (GFSI)-recognised. IFA… +Regional responses
- 10/04/2020
- Posted by: Gaetan Dermien
- Category: Uncategorized
PAFO HIGHLIGHTS THE FAMILY FARMERS’ PRODUCTION SYSTEM The Pan-African Farmers Organization (PAFO) has issued a statement on the commitment and responsibility of African farmers to ensure food security during COVID-19 quarantine. The communication notes that “In addition to the front lines of our ‘white’ soldiers who provide medical and paramedical care to our fellow citizens, our farmers, the ‘green’ soldiers of our Nations are on the front line to avoid food shortages and will ensure food security in this time… +News from African countries
- 10/04/2020
- Posted by: Gaetan Dermien
- Category: Uncategorized
BENIN Since 30 March, part of southern Benin has been under partial containment. From 8 April, the authorities made it compulsory to wear masks in all public places in the 12 towns of the cordon sanitaire. However, only a third of the 30 million masks ordered by the state have been delivered so far. The interior minister has invited those who do not have masks to stay at home and has deployed the police for strict control. CAMEROON Wearing a… +Santo Domingo, Dominican Republic: Agroalimentaria 2019
- 10/04/2020
- Posted by: Gaetan Dermien
- Category: Uncategorized
Agroalimentaria is the main trading platform for agricultural and agro-industrial products in the Caribbean region. From 9 to 11 May, Dominican producers and exporters, as well as national and multinational companies in the food, tobacco and beverage sectors, will meet to present their products and know-how to the world. Tropical fruits, vegetables, condiments and spices, bananas, coffee and cocoa, particularly from organic farming, will be in the spotlight. During the event, COLEACP will give a presentation on the challenges facing… +BRC GS has officially announced the emergency extension of certificates for 6 months if an audit is not possible.
- 03/04/2020
- Posted by: Gaetan Dermien
- Category: Uncategorized
They also remove the self-assessment and remote audit element of the certificate extension. For more details, see… +World Trade Organization – Leaders issue joint call to maintain food trade in response to COVID-19
- 03/04/2020
- Posted by: Gaetan Dermien
- Category: Uncategorized
Leaders of the World Trade Organization (WTO), the Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) and the World Health Organization (WHO) issued a joint statement on March 31 calling on governments to minimize the impact of border restrictions related to COVID-19 on the food trade. “Now is the time to show solidarity, act responsibly and adhere to our common goal of enhancing food safety, food security and nutrition and improving the overall well-being of people around the world,” the agency’s leaders said.… +FAO has launched a multilingual portal dedicated to COVID-19
- 03/04/2020
- Posted by: Gaetan Dermien
- Category: Uncategorized
The portal includes FAO’s key messages and actions in response to this outbreak, as well as a series of questions and answers on the impact of COVID-19 on food and agriculture and a set of analyses and solutions on food and agricultural systems in the following areas: Development and transformation Emergencies Incentives and expenses Nutrition Priorities Smallholder access to markets Social protection systems Market Access… +GFSI’s position when national requirements differ from those prescribed by the GFSI
- 03/04/2020
- Posted by: Gaetan Dermien
- Category: Uncategorized
GFSI’s Technical Committee and Board of Directors, comprised of food safety representatives from some of the world’s largest food and beverage manufacturers and distributors, have worked to ensure that GFSI’s Covid-19 position places consumer safety at the heart of their decision-making. Their priority is to ensure that confidence in the food and beverage supply chain remains high in these uncertain times. GFSI’s position reflects what to do in the event that requirements stipulated by national regulations differ from those prescribed… +Africa: 15 million private students on campus, the challenge of distance education
- 03/04/2020
- Posted by: Gaetan Dermien
- Category: Uncategorized
“There’s bound to be a before and after Coronavirus. The digital support to systems and pedagogical models will finally be recognized and promoted in universities, the virtual always pulling upwards,” said Claude Lishou, professor at the University Cheikh Anta Diop of Dakar in Senegal, and holder of the UNESCO Chair “ICT and development of higher education in West Africa”, in an interview with News Tank, 31/03/2020. He believes that “African universities have the foundations to overcome the crisis, they can… +