African youth at the heart of debate for the 2017 AU-EU summit in Abidjan
- 24/11/2017
- Posted by: Gaetan Dermien
- Category: Uncategorized
No CommentsCOLEACP has started the journey towards Abidjan AU-EU summit next week. Yesterday, amongst a sea of promises, political speeches, COLEACP brought a fresh and new voice of reality from Africa’s youth into the heart of the European Parliament to the “High level conference towards a renewed partnership for Africa”. Ms Khadija Niang, “spokesperson” for the young Africans working in agriculture, told her story, shared her struggle for recognised qualifications and training so that she may secure a successful career in… +COLEACP and the climate: Create a capacity to adapt and absorb changes in food safety, social or environmental domains!
- 16/11/2017
- Posted by: Gaetan Dermien
- Category: Uncategorized
Although it is established that the poor countries of the South are and will be the first victims of global warming, and that the most polluting country has stated its intention to withdraw from the Paris Agreement, managing agricultural production on all fronts has become the sine qua non to guarantee access to the most profitable markets. Since 2000, COLEACP has drawn up strategies aimed at updating the knowledge of its members and beneficiaries: a multitude of SMEs, small-scale producers… +New EU Plant Health Regulation: anticipating impacts for African, Caribbean and Pacific countries!
- 10/10/2017
- Posted by: Gaetan Dermien
- Category: Uncategorized
On 13 December 2016, the new EU Plant Health Regulation (Regulation (EU) 2016/2031) was introduced*. This is a major overhaul of the EU Plant Health legislation, which has been in place since 1977. It repeals and replaces the 7 existing Council Directives on harmful organisms, and becomes fully applicable on 13 December 2019. In the interim, a series of delegated and implementing acts will be adopted, and competent authorities and operators must adjust to the new rules. One of the… +Monitoring RASFF and EUROPHYT notifications
- 03/10/2017
- Posted by: Gaetan Dermien
- Category: Uncategorized
COLEACP follows sanitary and phytosanitary regulations (SPS) very closely to identify the decisions and trends which could have an impact on the fruit and vegetable value chains in Africa, the Caribbean and the Pacific. The information obtained is used to adapt the technical recommendations for producers and inform the ACP suppliers about the measures to be taken. COLEACP tracks the following issues on a monthly basis in particular: MRL exceedances (maximum residue limits) for pesticides on fruit and vegetables arriving… +COLEACP’S training department is expanding its offer
- 21/09/2017
- Posted by: Gaetan Dermien
- Category: Uncategorized
With new training topics, new online and paper tools, COLEACP’S training department is expanding its offer to meet the needs of companies benefiting from the Fit For Market* (FFM) programme. One of the central pillars of the FFM programme is the COLEACP training system. Designed and implemented during the PIP programmes and later expanded to other projects coordinated by COLEACP (e.g. EDES, Fruit Fly Programme), the programme now offers new teaching resources. Around 100 new training tools (manuals, guides, brochures… +COLEACP at the World Banana Forum
- 25/08/2017
- Posted by: Gaetan Dermien
- Category: Uncategorized
The banana is the world’s most exported fruit (around 10 billion US dollars per year). It is an essential source of income and employment for thousands of rural families in developing countries, including African and Caribbean countries*. Since it was established in 1973, COLEACP’s members have included key players from the global banana supply chain. In joining the World Banana Forum (WBF), the association reaffirms its commitment to increasing its activities in this sector which is of high socioeconomic importance… +Already more than 100 eligible projects from 23 countries
- 27/03/2017
- Posted by: Gaetan Dermien
- Category: Uncategorized
Launched officially on December 6th at the ACP house, the Fit For Market (FFM) Programme has already received more than 100 requests for support from 23 countries in Africa and the Caribbean. More than 60% of the requests were made by companies and producer groups. They concern the fruit and vegetable sector and, more specifically, support for the sustainability of production and business management systems, as well as food safety and phytosanitary compliance. This dynamic will accelerate with the successive… +Let’s meet at Fruit Logistica 2017
- 25/01/2017
- Posted by: Gaetan Dermien
- Category: Uncategorized
The COLEACP team will be present at Fruit Logistica 2017 in Berlin from 8th-10th of February to meet existing members of the association, as well as new beneficiaries of the recently launched FIT FOR MARKET (FFM) programme. To help us organize appointments, we would like to invite any African, Caribbean and Pacific (ACP) exporters and European importers who wish to meet with us to contact the COLEACP team as soon as possible by clicking here. For ACP and European companies… +Fit For Market official launch at the ACP House: unanimous enthusiasm!
- 16/12/2016
- Posted by: Gaetan Dermien
- Category: Uncategorized
The official launch of the “Fit For Market” Programme took place at the ACP House on the 6th of December. Besides the launch of a new programme, it was also a great opportunity to celebrate past achievements given the longstanding historical Public Private Partnership between the ACP, the European Commission and the COLEACP. All the positive testimonies on COLEACP actions were appreciated by the staff and members of the Board also present: a real source of motivation and enthusiasm to… +Fit for Market programme – Strengthening business competitiveness through more sustainable practices
- 05/10/2016
- Posted by: Gaetan Dermien
- Category: Uncategorized
“Fit For Market” (F4M) is up and running. F4M is part of the 11th intra-ACP indicative programme (2014-2020) between the European Union and the ACP Group of States. It is due to be rolled out over 5 years (2016-2020) with a total budget of € 25 million (of which € 20 million from the European Union). The specific objective is to enable smallholder farmers, producer groups, farmer organisations, and micro, small and medium enterprises, to access international and domestic fruit… +