- 04/04/2018
- Posted by: Gaetan Dermien
- Category: Uncategorized
No CommentsCOLEACP and the European Development Fund National Authorizing Officer Support Unit (CAON-FED) signed a partnership agreement on 22 March to share their knowledge and experience with a view to heightening capacity building in the public and private horticultural sector in Cameroon. The principle objectives of this partnership are to: Promote the horticultural sector as a driver for macro-economic growth through job creation for the younger generation by ensuring that agriculture is more productive, competitive and relevant to national, regional and … +2018 European Development Days
- 04/04/2018
- Posted by: Gaetan Dermien
- Category: Uncategorized
“Women and girls at the forefront of sustainable development: protect, empower, invest” will be the key theme of these 2018 European Development Days (EDD). COLEACP will be one of the exhibitors at the EDD development village in partnership with the ACP YPN. Our new training system will be showcased, together with a concept store, linked to an online shop, that will present innovative, healthy and high-quality products (organic fruit juices, dried mangos and pineapples, coco butter, mango butter,…) and more… +HOW TO ENSURE THAT YOUR FORTHCOMING FRUIT LOGISTICA TRADE SHOW IS A SUCCESS?
- 04/04/2018
- Posted by: Gaetan Dermien
- Category: Uncategorized
How can you ensure a successful trade fair participation at the next edition of Fruit Logistica in 2019? By preparing your participation! COLEACP has drawn up a practical guide for its members that can be obtained by clicking here. From this year onwards, Africa has a dedicated exhibition hall. The success of this new exhibition centre has created a very favourable environment for mobilising new country exhibitors in 2019. Do you already have a project in mind? We can help… +Fit For Market: 350 requests, 140 action plans, 20 applications for access to finance
- 14/03/2018
- Posted by: Gaetan Dermien
- Category: Uncategorized
To date, over 350 individual requests for support have been sent to COLEACP from 30 countries in Africa, the Caribbean and the Pacific (ACP) as part of the Fit For Market (FFM) programme (see the map below). 140 of these applications have already been converted into action plans which are being implemented on the ground to help strengthen the competitiveness and further the sustainability of the fruit and vegetable industry in ACP countries. 20 SMEs have specifically requested support to… +Lecture by Agnès Kalibata, on Friday 23 March in Gembloux, Belgium
- 14/03/2018
- Posted by: Gaetan Dermien
- Category: Uncategorized
“Re-envisioning Investment for African agriculture…” Lecture by Agnès Kalibata, on Friday 23 March in Gembloux, Belgium. Next Friday 23 March 2018, Agnès Kalibata, President of AGRA (Alliance for a Green Revolution in Africa) is set to deliver a lecture at Gembloux Agro-Bio Tech – Liège University, entitled “Re-envisioning Investment for African Agriculture: Top Priorities for Growing Food, Jobs and Economies”. In her capacity as the President of AGRA and in partnership with the public and private sector, Doctor Agnès Kalibata… +COLEACP’s e-learning platform
- 14/03/2018
- Posted by: Gaetan Dermien
- Category: Uncategorized
Learn, test and certify your know-how in the following 7 key areas for a sustainable and inclusive agricultural industry: – Food safety – Plant health – Social accountability and empowerment – Agricultural production and processing – Sustainable production and trade – Business management and development – Environmental management All these interactive learning journeys are differentiated according to the degree of expertise and level of progress. Visit our Platform!… +Let’s meet in Fruit Logistica 2018!
- 01/02/2018
- Posted by: Gaetan Dermien
- Category: Uncategorized
The COLEACP team will be present at Fruit Logistica in Berlin from 7 to 9 February. We will be located at Hall 26 / Stand D-17. For ACP and European companies that will not be attending the exhibition, we are of course at your disposal if you need any information or have particular issues to discuss. In particular, we are available to provide information about the mechanisms for accessing and implementation of FFM. Please note that applications for FFM support… +Fruit Logistica 2019: our guide and location
- 28/01/2018
- Posted by: Gaetan Dermien
- Category: Uncategorized
Post date: January 28th, 2019 As you know, COLEACP will have a booth (Hall 26 Booth D-17) at the upcoming Fruit Logistica exhibition, to be held in Berlin from 6 to 8 February. You are of course welcome. More than 3,200 exhibitors and 78,000 trade visitors will participate in FRUIT LOGISTICA 2019. The Africa Hall, successfully launched in 2018, will again be host to COLEACP in 2019. FRUIT LOGISTICA 2019 offers an opportunity for SMEs from ACP countries, visitors and… +Fit For Market: 300 requests for support
- 15/12/2017
- Posted by: Gaetan Dermien
- Category: Uncategorized
The Fit For Market (FFM) programme was launched officially in December 2016 and in just one year has received 300 requests for support from thirty African, Caribbean and Pacific countries (see map below). The largest number of requests (167 out of 300) come from horticultural micro, small, and medium enterprises (142 requests) and producer farmer groups/cooperatives (25). Support services have sent 124 requests, mainly consultants and consultancy companies (51). Other requests come from : Farmer and professional organisations/associations (37), Smallholders… +Khadija Niang at the European Parliament for COLEACP
- 24/11/2017
- Posted by: Gaetan Dermien
- Category: Uncategorized
Khadija Niang embodies the future of Africa, the hope of better days for young people from modest but virtuous backgrounds. At the same time she represents all the difficulties faced by this generation from which the leaders of tomorrow must emerge, the executives who must make the African bet work; feed Africa and turn it into one of the biggest agro – industrial forces. To move beyond religious socio-cultural fatalism, by breaking the traditional codes. The only one of a… +