Review workshop of the Ivorian mango campaign 2018
- 20/12/2018
- Posted by: Gaetan Dermien
- Category: Uncategorized
No CommentsOn 28 November 2018, the Direction de la Protection des Végétaux, du Contrôle et de la Qualité (DPVCQ) of Côte d’Ivoire, with the support of COLEACP, organized a mango campaign review workshop. The event brought together 80 participants from across the supply chain (producers, exporters, service providers and competent authorities). The observations shared were encouraging from a marketing and commercial point of view. Ivorian mango continues to enjoy a good image, particularly in its main export market, the European Union,… +Workshop – avocado supply chain in Kenya focuses on quality
- 20/12/2018
- Posted by: Gaetan Dermien
- Category: Uncategorized
In Kenya the Horticultural Crops Directorate (HCD; formerly Horticultural Crops Development Authority), Fresh Produce Exporters Association of Kenya (FPEAK) and Fresh Produce Consortium of Kenya (FPC), together with COLEACP, organized a two-day workshop on 3 December 2018. The event brought together 140 participants from throughout the country’s avocado value chain (producers, importers, exporters, logistics operators, competent authorities and transport companies). The main reason for the meeting was the current challenge faced by the Kenyan industry to improve the commercial quality… +COP 24 in Katowice (3-14 December) : changing together !
- 07/12/2018
- Posted by: Gaetan Dermien
- Category: Uncategorized
24th Conference of the Parties to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC). The motto of COP24 says: ‘Changing together’ COLEACP can only agree! This is the purpose of its sustainability charter! « As producers and exporters in the Africa-Caribbean-Pacific (ACP) horticultural industry, and importers in the EU, we are committed to running our operations in a sustainable way. We understand sustainability as an on-going process towards the economic, social and environmental well being of all those we… +SERVICE PROCUREMENT NOTICE : PUBLICATION OF THE SHORT LIST
- 23/11/2018
- Posted by: Gaetan Dermien
- Category: Uncategorized
Call for tender for the service procurement : “ Support to strengthen the competitiveness of the ACP horticultural industry by complying with SPS requirements of domestic and international markets ” – ref COLEACP/AO/181083 Following the call for expression of interest launched in the context of this service procurement notice, all applications received within the deadline were evaluated. The applicants selected during this first phase are listed (view the list). Invitations to tender for this service procurement will be sent this… +COLEACP NEWS OCTOBER 2018: EVENTS
- 30/10/2018
- Posted by: Gaetan Dermien
- Category: Uncategorized
FRUIT LOGISTICA 2019: connect with the future of the fruit and vegetable business More than 3,200 exhibitors and 78,000 trade visitors will participate in FRUIT LOGISTICA 2019, which will be held in Berlin between 6 and 8 February. The Africa Hall, successfully launched in 2018, will again be host to COLEACP in 2019. FRUIT LOGISTICA 2019 offers an opportunity for SMEs from ACP countries, visitors and exhibitors to make direct contact with the international fruit and vegetable market, buyers, competitors,… +Water and soil management – first examples of FFM support in Kenya
- 29/10/2018
- Posted by: Gaetan Dermien
- Category: Uncategorized
Kenyan farmers are facing increasingly severe droughts due to significant climate change in production areas. Most small and medium-sized farmers often have limited access to irrigation, and their dependence on reduced rainfall and precipitation is of increasing concern. Several green bean-exporting companies have requested support to help their producers use available water more efficiently and sustainably. Technical assistance is being deployed to develop a multi-stage support and training methodology. Following an initial diagnosis to analyse current practices, it will be… +Waste management in Cameroon
- 29/10/2018
- Posted by: Gaetan Dermien
- Category: Uncategorized
Technical assistance in setting up a compost unit, organised for the company AfricaBio in Cameroon, illustrates a key aspect of COLEACP’s waste-management intervention strategy. The intervention strategy is based on two complementary axes – reduce the amount of waste produced recover residual waste. It aims to meet growing demand from partner horticultural companies for the management and recovery of processing waste, and also to reduce losses, particularly in post-harvest situations. AfricaBio in Cameroon produces and processes various fruits from organic… +Global Perishable Conference 2018: COLEACP invited by CCA and Air France-KLM-Martinair
- 18/06/2018
- Posted by: Gaetan Dermien
- Category: Uncategorized
The Cool Channel Association CCA is a non-profit organization, founded in 2003, with the aim to reduce wastage and improve the quality, efficiency and value of the temperature sensitive supply chain by facilitating and enabling vertical & horizontal collaboration, education and innovation. The CCA organizes 2 high level panels per year. The event in June focuses on perishable products. The topic in 2018 was “World Without Food Waste – what can air cargo deliver ?”. On 19 June, Jeremy Knops,… +EDD 2018 : Women bear the fruits of our success !
- 01/06/2018
- Posted by: Gaetan Dermien
- Category: Uncategorized
For its twelfth edition, the European Development Days (EDD) 2018 aims at bringing together the European Union’s commitment to gender equality and women’s empowerment with the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development. On June 5 and 6 in Brussels, the event will focus on the vital role of women and the need for their full and equal participation and leadership in achieving the Sustainable Development Goals. In full resonance with this commitment, COLEACP will be present in the EDD village (booth… +The European Union strengthen farmers’ position in the food supply chain by tackling unfair trading practice
- 13/04/2018
- Posted by: Gaetan Dermien
- Category: Uncategorized
On 12th April, the European Commission proposed new legislation on unfair trading practices (UTPs). This is a very positive development and will offer more protection to farmers and small operators in the food industry who are selling to large European buyers. Most importantly, the legislation covers not only European suppliers, but also those selling into the EU from third countries. Up to now, ACP fresh produce exporters supplying European supermarkets have been at risk to UTPs such as late payments,… +