Senegal: COLEACP training for ANCAR trainers in the Niayes zone
- 06/07/2021
- Posted by: Sandra Borma
- Category: News, Senegal
No CommentsIn Thiès, in the Niayes area of Senegal, COLEACP and the Agence Nationale de Conseil Agricole et Rural (ANCAR) are organising a training course on crop protection and the safe use of pesticides for ANCAR supervisors. This training is based on the “Animations Pédagogiques” method developed by COLEACP. This method has been designed around specific subjects in order to help the target audience understand, in a clear and pictorial way, the good practices to be respected throughout the production process… +Understanding the new EU Organic Regulation
- 24/06/2021
- Posted by: Sandra Borma
- Category: Apples, Avocados, Bananas, Benin, Burkina Faso, Cameroon, Capsicum, Cassava, Chillies, Côte d'Ivoire, Democratic Republic Of The Congo, Ethnic vegetables, French beans, Ginger, Guinea, Lettuces, Madagascar, Mali, Mangoes, Mangosteens, News, Okra, Onions, Papayas, Passion fruit, Pears, Pepper, Plantains, Rwanda, Senegal, Shallots, Spinach, Sweet potatoes, Togo, Tomatoes
COLEACP organised an online workshop on 15 June to present the changes and potential impacts of the new European Union (EU) Organic Regulation 2018/848, which will enter into force in January 2022. The workshop brought together 80 participants, COLEACP partners involved in the production and export of organic fruit and vegetables. They were given a presentation by Michel Reynaud, Board Member of IFOAM Organics Europe and Vice President of Ecocert, who reviewed the main changes of the new regulation that… +Launch of the French version of the COLEACP Rapid SPS Assessment Tool in Africa
- 23/06/2021
- Posted by: Sandra Borma
- Category: Cameroon, Côte d'Ivoire, News, Senegal
COLEACP has developed a Rapid SPS Assessment Tool (R-SAT) specifically tailored to the context, activities and responsibilities of national Competent Authorities. This tool is designed to assist Competent Authorities to assess the current status and functioning of their sanitary and phytosanitary (SPS) systems, in consultation with key stakeholders from both public and private sectors. The main objective is to develop a prioritised action plan to strengthen national SPS systems, and to ensure their alignment with international standards and regulations. This… +Market profile on processed tomatoes in Senegal
- 28/05/2021
- Posted by: Gaetan Dermien
- Category: Senegal, Tomatoes
The COLEACP Market Intelligence service has published a “Market profile on processed tomatoes in Senegal”. The service carries out market studies at the request of stakeholders and partners in the Fit For Market programme. This market profile outlines the processed tomato sector in Senegal in terms of its commercial opportunities on local West African and European markets. This is an example of what COLEACP’s Market Intelligence service can produce for members and partners of COLEACP and its programmes. Other profiles… +Setting up an internal audit system
- 27/05/2021
- Posted by: Gaetan Dermien
- Category: Burkina Faso, Capsicum, Côte d'Ivoire, Guinea, Madagascar, Mali, Senegal
This new training series, “Setting up an internal audit system at the level of National Plant Protection Organisations”, has just been launched in French with participation of the NPPOs of six countries: Burkina Faso, Côte d’Ivoire, Guinea, Madagascar, Mali and Senegal. This online training is taking place over seven weeks in May and June, and a repeat session will be offered in August. The course materials are currently being translated, and a training series for NPPOs in English-speaking countries will… +Disseminating R-SAT – COLEACP’s Rapid SPS Assessment Tool
- 27/05/2021
- Posted by: Gaetan Dermien
- Category: Cameroon, Côte d'Ivoire, Senegal, Suriname, Uganda, Zimbabwe
Competent authorities of six priority countries On 22 and 29 April, COLEACP’s new Rapid SPS Assessment Tool (R-SAT) was presented in English and French to competent authorities of the six priority countries where it will soon be applied: Suriname, Uganda and Zimbabwe; Cameroon, Côte d’Ivoire and Senegal. A presentation of the tool was followed by discussions. The planning for its implementation in the six pilot countries will be discussed with each country individually, including selection of the value chain that… +In-company traceability training at KIMEX
- 07/05/2021
- Posted by: Sandra Borma
- Category: News, Senegal
COLEACP training on traceability and hygiene is currently being prepared at KIMEX. This activity has two objectives. The first is to strengthen the capacity of a Senegalese expert on quality management systems (QMS), particularly on hygiene and traceability, and how to support companies to implement a . In a second phase, we will provide training and support the company KIMEX in to implement its traceability system. We wish our participants and experts an excellent experience. KIMEX is a Senegalese company… +Our team of national relays
- 22/04/2021
- Posted by: Gaetan Dermien
- Category: Africa, Burkina Faso, Cameroon, Caribbean, Côte d'Ivoire, Ethiopia, Fiji, Guinea, Madagascar, News, Pacific, Senegal, Suriname, Tanzania, Togo, Uganda
COLEACP has long depended on a committed team of local representatives (“relays”), who contribute their wide-ranging in-country and regional expertise in each of the three African, Caribbean and Pacific regions, keep us in touch with our value chains “on the ground”, and enhance our networks. Meet the team! COLEACP National Relays AFRICA Burkina Faso Edit Patric KABRÉ is an expert in food safety and SPS issues Cameroon Guy Jacques WAMBA is an agricultural engineer specialising in plant protection and organic… +Support for NPPOs: Banana fusarium wilt TR4 in West Africa
- 10/03/2021
- Posted by: Sandra Borma
- Category: Benin, Burkina Faso, Cape Verde, Côte d'Ivoire, Gambia, Ghana, Guinea, Guinea-Bissau, Liberia, Mali, News, Niger, Nigeria, Senegal, Sierra Leone, Togo
On 9 March, COLEACP and the Economic Community of West African States (ECOWAS) held a webinar with the FAO-led World Banana Forum: “Banana fusarium wilt TR4 – an overview of distribution and impact, and the essential biosecurity measures needed for West Africa”. TR4 is an aggressive strain of banana fusarium wilt (Fusarium oxysporum f.sp. cubense tropical race 4), one of only six strains that attack Cavendish bananas. If unchecked, TR4 can wipe out an entire plantation. The meeting gave an… +Calendar: Trade fairs January–June 2021
- 18/01/2021
- Posted by: Gaetan Dermien
- Category: Africa, Ethiopia, Ghana, Kenya, Senegal, South Africa, Tanzania, Zambia
Here are some key events scheduled for the first part of 2021. In light of the Covid-19 situation, Biofach eSpecial in February is being held completely online, and most events plan to review the situation as the year progresses. Trade fairs Event Theme / organiser Date Location Biofach eSpecial World´s leading trade fair for organic food (including fruit and vegetables – With stand COLEACP) 17–19 Feb Digital Agritech West Africa 2021 For companies in agricultural technology, agrochemicals, irrigation & systems,… +