Integrated management for false codling moth control
- 08/10/2020
- Posted by: Gaetan Dermien
- Category: Africa, Gambia, Ghana, News, Nigeria, Zimbabwe
No CommentsVirtual training on “Integrated management measures for false codling moth (Thaumatotibia leucotreta) control” is being provided for both private sector (managers of packaging stations/production) and public service (phytosanitary inspectors) through COLEACP’s two Fit For Market programmes. 30 participants from The Gambia, Ghana, Nigeria and Zimbabwe are learning more about the new EU Plant Health Regulation regarding FCM; the use of FCM protocols along the value chain, including data-collection forms; the responsibilities of each player along the value chain towards FCM… +Impacts of Covid-19 on the horticultural sector in Nigeria
- 18/09/2020
- Posted by: Sandra Borma
- Category: News, Nigeria
In June, COLEACP conducted surveys to learn from our members and partners in the horticultural sector about the impacts of the current health and economic crisis throughout March–May. Key points: The majority of respondents (64%) saw orders for March–May reduced by more than 25%, with 35% seeing a reduction of over 50% of orders; about a fifth of companies saw a positive increase in sales. Almost half of respondents received higher prices for their produce in comparison with 2019; only… +COLEACP visits of beneficiaries from public and private sector
- 27/01/2020
- Posted by: Gaetan Dermien
- Category: Mission sheet, News, Nigeria
COLEACP mission under FFM and FFM SPS programmes to Nigeria: visits of beneficiaries from public and private sector to analyze their application for support, develop and validate a list of priority actions. Reminder of the mission Country Nigeria Programmes Fit For Market Fit For Market SPS Experts Jeremy Knops, COLEACP General Delegate, Marie-Hélène Kestemont, COLEACP Regional Programme Manager Vincent Berthet COLEACP Project managers Wester Schepers COLEACP Project managers Calendar From 14.01.2020 to 24.01.2020 Post-mission Sheet Nigeria- FFM – FFM SPS… +