Calls for experts: Vocational and Lifelong Learning Systems in African Universities


Calls for experts: Vocational and Lifelong Learning Systems in African Universities.

The DeSIRA-LIFT project (June 2021–May 2025) funded by the European Commission (DG INTPA) aims to catalyse the European Union’s DeSIRA programme current and future activities supporting the Development of Smart Innovation through Research in Agriculture to enhance its impacts.

As lead of the second service area (with support from the Natural Resources Institute), COLEAD and RUFORUM are joining forces to fill in identified gaps that impede the potential of African universities, students and professionals that are engaged in innovation projects in the agricultural sector. The Regional Universities Forum for Capacity Building in Agriculture is a Pan-African network of 170 predominantly agriculture teaching and research universities in 40 African countries that aims at strengthening the capacities of universities to foster innovations responsive to demands of smallholder farmers.

A first call for expert (March 2024) has enabled to start reviewing national science, technology, and innovation landscape for translation of university research and innovation into enterprises.

Now, DeSIRA-LIFT SA2 is looking for experts to support RUFORUM regarding vocational and lifelong learning systems in African universities. Details about the two assignments are provided below:

Position 1: Expert in E-learning Platforms for Agricultural Sector (NKE2.8)

Position 2: Expert in Certification Mechanisms for Professional Training in Agricultural Innovation (NKE2.9)

Interested candidates should review the Terms of References and submit their applications, including a cover letter and a CV highlighting relevant experience, to Please specify the assignment for which you are applying.

Application deadline: Sunday 18 August 2024