Gaetan Dermien
EU and GB approval changes (January-May 2024)
- 28/06/2024
- Posted by: Gaetan Dermien
- Category: Uncategorized
No CommentsEU and GB approval changes (January-May 2024) EU and GB approval changes COLEAD’s Regulation Monitoring covers both European Union (EU)and Great Britain (GB) approval changes. Note that EU approvals still apply in Northern Ireland. Great Britain is the mainland comprising England, Scotland and Wales. The European Commission (EC) has recently published changes to 48 plant protection product (PPP) approvals within the EU, some of which are important for ACP horticulture. These include: Extension of the approval period for 11 PPPs… +EU and GB MRL changes in 2024 (January – May 2024)
- 01/06/2024
- Posted by: Gaetan Dermien
- Category: Uncategorized
EU and GB MRL changes in 2024 (January – May 2024) Changes to EU and GB pesticide maximum residue levels COLEAD’s monitoring of pesticide regulations covers maximum residue limit (MRL) changes in both the EU and Great Britain (GB). Note that EU MRLs still apply in Northern Ireland (GB covers only England, Scotland, and Wales). During the period January – May 2024, we have been highlighting significant changes to EU MRLs that affect 61 active substances, 38 of which are… +Potential MRLs reduction for thiacloprid, a widely used pesticide on fruits and vegetables
- 21/05/2024
- Posted by: Gaetan Dermien
- Category: Uncategorized
Potential MRLs reduction for thiacloprid, a widely used pesticide on fruits and vegetables Thiacloprid is a neonicotinoid insecticide used on a wide range of horticultural crops to control sucking and chewing insects. The EU’s approval for thiacloprid has not been renewed in 2020 due to concerns about its toxicity and groundwater contamination risks. Consequently, in July 2023, the European Commission proposed setting maximum residue levels (MRLs) for thiacloprid to the limit of determination (LOD) in all products, except where import… +Review of EU and GB MRL changes in 2023
- 23/04/2024
- Posted by: Gaetan Dermien
- Category: Uncategorized
Review of EU and GB MRL changes in 2023 Key points This news update is a review of changes that were made in 2023. European Union (EU) maximum residue levels (MRLs) were changed for 82 plant protection products (PPPs) in 2023, compared with 75 in 2022. These changes include cases where MRLs for certain foods have been raised or lowered. In Great Britain (GB) maximum residue level (MRL) changes concerned 41 plant protection products (PPPs), compared with 23 in 2022.… +EU and GB pesticide approval changes – Yearly review 2023
- 23/04/2024
- Posted by: Gaetan Dermien
- Category: Uncategorized
EU and GB pesticide approval changes – Yearly review 2023 Review of EU and GB pesticide approval changes during 2023 During 2023, the European Commission (EC) published 201 changes to plant protection product (PPP) approvals within the European Union (EU). These include 87 changes concerning substances that are of importance for African, Caribbean and Pacific (ACP) horticulture. Great Britain (GB) has published 182 changes to PPP approvals involving 50 changes concerning substances that are of importance for ACP horticulture.… +MRLs reduced for two pesticides widely used on fruits and vegetables (oxamyl and indoxacarb)
- 04/01/2024
- Posted by: Gaetan Dermien
- Category: Uncategorized
There are upcoming reductions to maximum residue levels (MRLs) for two pesticides widely used on fruit and vegetables. Although the official regulations outlining these MRL changes have not yet been published, their final drafts have already received approval through a positive vote during the Standing Committee of 18 – 19 September 2023. Consequently, the publication of these revised regulations is expected to follow in the near future. Oxamyl Oxamyl is an insecticide used mainly on vegetables. Following the non-renewal of… +FROM COP 28 TO ON-THE-GROUND REALITY: COLEAD WILL CONTINUE TO BUILD BRIDGES FOR MORE SUSTAINABILITY AND CLIMATE JUSTICE
- 21/12/2023
- Posted by: Gaetan Dermien
- Category: News
Acknowledging the profound effects of climate change on agriculture and food systems, particularly on the most vulnerable communities, and recognizing the pivotal role it plays both as a significant contributor to climate change and as a potential solution, COP28 has, for the first time, designated a specific day to focus on the issues of food and agriculture. Please click here to read the COP28 UAE Declaration on sustainable agriculture, resilient food systems, and climate action. Today’s food systems account for… +EU and GB approval changes (July to September 2023)
- 26/10/2023
- Posted by: Gaetan Dermien
- Category: News
EU and GB approval changes Following the United Kingdom (UK) departure from the European Union (EU), COLEAD’s Regulation Monitoring now covers both EU and Great Britain (GB) approval changes, enabling us to keep COLEAD members and partner-beneficiaries up-to-date on both regulatory frameworks. Note that EU approvals still apply in Northern Ireland. Great Britain is the mainland comprising England, Scotland and Wales. The European Commission (EC) has recently published changes to 59 plant protection product (PPP) approvals within the EU, some… +EU and GB MRL changes in 2023 (July to September)
- 23/10/2023
- Posted by: Gaetan Dermien
- Category: Country
Changes to EU and GB pesticide maximum residue levels Following the departure of the United Kingdom from the European Union (EU), COLEAD’s monitoring of pesticide regulations now covers maximum residue limit (MRL) changes in both the EU and Great Britain (GB), enabling us to keep COLEAD members and partner-beneficiaries up-to-date. Note that EU MRLs still apply in Northern Ireland (GB covers only England, Scotland and Wales). During the period July-September 2023, we have been highlighting significant changes to EU MRLs… +EU and GB MRL changes in 2023 (April-June2023)
- 28/07/2023
- Posted by: Gaetan Dermien
- Category: Country
Changes to EU and GB pesticide maximum residue levels Following the departure of the United Kingdom from the European Union (EU), COLEAD’s monitoring of pesticide regulations now covers maximum residue limit (MRL) changes in both the EU and Great Britain (GB), enabling us to keep COLEAD members and partner-beneficiaries up-to-date.Note that EU MRLs still apply in Northern Ireland (GB covers only England, Scotland and Wales).During the period April-June 2023, we have been highlighting significant changes to EU MRLs that affect… +