A new biopesticide is now available in Kenya


A new biopesticide is now available in Kenya


A new bioprotection product; HALT NEO 5% WP (Bacillus thuringiensis sub-species kurstaki 32000 IU/mg) has been officially registered by the Kenyan Regulatory Authority, Pest Control Products Board (PCPB), under Reg No: PCPB(CR)1959 for control of the False codling moth (FCM) on Sweet Pepper. This registration which is a result of field trials supported by COLEAD through the NExT Kenya and FFM SPS programmes, in collaboration with a Kenyan plant protection product (PPP) manufacturer; Osho Chemicals Ltd, signifies a crucial advancement in pest management solutions available for Sweet Pepper producers in Kenya.

At COLEAD, we are committed to addressing production challenges faced by ACP suppliers, including small-scale producers, through comprehensive research and practical solutions. Our activities involve identifying priority pests and diseases where current solutions are inadequate and conducting field trials to assess the efficacy of potential new technologies and practices recommended by our experts. The overarching goal is to expand the farmers’ toolbox to support the operationalization of integrated pest management (IPM) strategies, reducing thereby the overall use of plant protection products, in line with the objectives of EU’s Farm-to-Fork strategy.

False Codling Moth (FCM) has been identified as a significant threat to various key crops in ACP agriculture, particularly peppers. A survey conducted in 2019 highlighted the limited availability of PPPs registered in Africa, underscoring the urgency to address this issue. In Kenya, FCM was recognized as a priority pest by the Minor Crops Technical Working Group (MCTWG), emphasizing the critical need for registered PPPs on peppers due to limited number of PPPs available and interception challenges.

FCM is classified as a quarantine pest in the European Union (EU), with high interception rates reported in consignments originating from ACP countries, including East Africa. Between 2015 and 2023, a total of 344 notifications were issued for interceptions related to FCM on pepper, with Uganda recording 197, Kenya 89, Rwanda 47, and Tanzania 11 interceptions. These interceptions result in significant economic losses, food waste, and damage the reputation of produce of East Africa origin. Continued interceptions could potentially lead to stricter measures or temporary bans on affected products by the EU.

HALT NEO 5% WP is now available to Sweet Pepper producers in Kenya and complete the farmer toolbox to effectively manage FCM and address this current barrier to trade in the region. This biopesticide is compatible with integrated pest management strategies and in particular with the FCM management protocol developed by COLEAD in collaboration with the Kenya Plant Health Inspectorate Service (KEPHIS).

The list of registered PPPs in Kenya is available here. The Research and Innovation Brokerage department is now exploring ways to replicate and disseminate this successful outcome within the East African Community (EAC).

For any question, please contact network@colead.link

This activity is supported by the Fit For Market Plus (FFM+) programme, implemented by COLEAD within the Framework of Development Cooperation between the Organisation of African, Caribbean and Pacific States (OACPS) and the European Union; and by the NExT Kenya (New Export Trade) programme, established in collaboration with the EU Delegation in Nairobi and Kenyan stakeholders. This publication receives financial support from the European Union and the OACPS. The content of this publication is the sole responsibility of COLEAD and can in no way be taken to reflect the views of the European Union or the OACPS.