Kenya: FPEAK strengthens its governance


Kenya: FPEAK strengthens its governance


Through its programmes, COLEAD supports professional organisations that are representative of their sector to strengthen their capacity to provide services to their members and with concern for the long-term future of its action. In Kenya, for example, COLEAD recently supported the Fresh Produce Exporters Association of Kenya (FPEAK) through the NExT Kenya programme as part of a governance intervention.

The members of FPEAK are involved in the Kenyan fresh produce trade and are therefore a focal point and coordinating body for the Kenyan horticultural export sector. FPEAK supports its exporting producers by providing technical and commercial information and training, and acts as a resource centre for its members. It also undertakes lobbying and advocacy programmes to defend the interests of the sector and promote continuous improvement in its competitiveness.

COLEAD’s recent intervention with FPEAK consisted of reviewing the association’s strategic plan and, in particular, its turnaround strategy to refocus the organisation’s activities in its current context, which is characterised in particular by competition within the horticultural sector. More specifically, the following issues were addressed: (i) the development of a risk management framework (ii) the review and updating of the Member Engagement Policy and Board Charter (iii) the development of a Board evaluation tool.

Finally, capacity building of the Board was identified as a key activity to be implemented at the beginning of its mandate. With this in mind, a training session was held in May to equip the new Board members with the knowledge and skills needed to effectively lead the organisation towards its strategic goals. The training was designed to promote good governance practices, enhance Board effectiveness and promote responsible and sustainable business.

This activity is supported by the NExT Kenya (New Export Trade) programme, established in collaboration with the EU Delegation in Nairobi and Kenyan stakeholders. This publication receives financial support from the European Union. The content of this publication is the sole responsibility of COLEAD and can in no way be taken to reflect the views of the European Union.