Ethiopia: EHPEA strengthens its training unit


Ethiopia: EHPEA strengthens its training unit


COLEAD recently completed a training session with the Ethiopian Horticulture Producers and Exporters Association (EHPEA) to strengthen the skills and knowledge of its own training unit. This initiative is part of a wider mission to support the sustainability and competitiveness of the horticulture sector. It was launched last May as part of the Fit For Market Plus (FFM+) programme.

Established in 2002, EHPEA plays a key role in representing and promoting the interests of horticultural producers and exporters in Ethiopia. The association represents more than 70% of the country’s horticultural enterprises.

The meeting focused on training needs assessment and follow-up. It brought together EHPEA staff to identify and fill training gaps based on the evolving needs of EHPEA’s 126 members. Representatives from the Ministry of Agriculture also participated in the exercise.

Specifically, the session enabled the formalisation of members’ needs into structured training programmes and the development of an annual training calendar. To achieve this, participants engaged in practical exercises, including applying the training needs assessment to existing scenarios such as avocado production and rose pest control. The workshop concluded with a discussion on the development of a comprehensive training evaluation strategy to measure the long-term impact of training programmes on the horticultural sector.

Following the support provided by COLEAD, EHPEA plans to formalise its training strategy, delivery and evaluation system in the coming months.

This activity is supported by the Fit For Market Plus (FFM+) programme, implemented by COLEAD within the Framework of Development Cooperation between the Organisation of African, Caribbean and Pacific States (OACPS) and the European Union. This publication receives financial support from the European Union and the OACPS. The content of this publication is the sole responsibility of COLEAD and can in no way be taken to reflect the views of the European Union or the OACPS.