ALL NEWS GROUP TRAINING ON COMMERCIAL QUALITY OF EXPORT AVOCADO STAKEHOLDER CONSULTATIVE WORKSHOP COLEACP mission to follow up on the Fit for Market and Fit For Market - SPS programmes COLEACP IN GHANA : SWEET POTATO VALUE CHAIN THE GENDER DIMENSION AT THE HEART OF MEETING WITH GOLDEN EXOTICS IN GHANA Workshop with the Gambian NPPO to analyse their application for support and follow-up of the evaluation of the fruit and... COLEACP mission to Ghana under the FFM SPS and FFM programmes GHANA MANGO WEEK GOOD HYGIENES PRACTICES AND TRACEABILITY PRINCIPLES COLEACP'S GAMBIA NATIONAL WORKSHOP TRAINING ON HIGIENE, TRACEABILITY, CROP PROTECTION AND THE SAFE USE OF PESTICIDES Let's meet at the #EDD19 ! IMPORTANT MESSAGE TO COMPETENT AUTHORITIES AND OPERATORS IN THE CAPSICUM SECTOR (CHILLIES AND PEPPERS) New EU Plant Health Rules Affecting Mango Exports Present the FFM SPS programme to the relevant authorities / partners and to meet with current and future beneficiaries Realignment of organic regulations FOCUS: FFM SPS PROGRAMME Two new approved plant protection products for tomatoes Rungis Market celebrates 50 years Rimini, Italy: Macfrut 2019 – Spotlight on sub-Saharan Africa GOOD HYGIENES PRACTICES AND TRACEABILITY PRINCIPLES Important message to the competent authorities and operators involved in the mango sector COLEACP's FIT FOR MARTKET PROGRAMME IN KENYA FAO/WORLD HEALTH ORGANIZATION/AU INTERNATIONAL FOOD SAFETY CONFERENCE IN ADDIS ABEBA « Previous 1 … 37 38 39 40 41 Next »